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Stabilization of alumina with polyelectrolyte and comb copolymer in solvent mixtures of water and alcohols
RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019), Material och produktion, IVF.ORCID-id: 0000-0001-6859-6830
RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019), Material och produktion, IVF.
RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden (2017-2019), Material och produktion, IVF.ORCID-id: 0000-0003-0849-0393
2009 (engelsk)Inngår i: Journal of the European Ceramic Society, ISSN 0955-2219, E-ISSN 1873-619X, Vol. 29, nr 6, s. 1069-1076Artikkel i tidsskrift (Fagfellevurdert) Published
Abstract [en]

Solvent mixtures of water and ethanol and water and isopropanol have been evaluated for processing of concentrated alumina suspensions. The addition of alcohols may increase the long-term stability of suspensions with soluble ceramic species such as magnesia, which is added as a sintering aid. A poly(acrylic acid) and a hydrophilic comb copolymer were used as dispersants for the different solvent mixtures. The aim was to compare the stabilization efficiency at normal processing conditions, pH 9-10, through rheological measurements and to develop a robust system including magnesia with long-term stability. The electrostatic stabilization of the dispersants in the different solvent mixtures was studied by zeta potential measurements. Highly negative zeta potentials were observed for the poly(acrylic acid) at pH 9-10 in the solvent mixtures. A charge contribution was also seen from the adsorbed comb copolymer, however smaller than for the poly(acrylic acid). Low viscosity was obtained for suspensions stabilized with poly(acrylic acid) in solvent mixtures with either 25 vol% ethanol or isopropanol. Higher alcohol to water ratio led to flocculation of the suspension when poly(acrylic acid) was used as dispersant. Alumina suspensions with added magnesia in isopropanol:water 25:75 and poly(acrylic acid) as dispersant showed long-term stability. The viscosity remained almost constant during 4 days of aging. Suspensions stabilized with the comb copolymer dispersant gave stable systems with ethanol and isopropanol concentrations between 25 and 75 vol%. The superior dispersing efficiency of the comb copolymer at alcohol contents above 25 vol% was believed to originate from steric stabilization in combination with low effective particle size, giving low viscosity through lower apparent solid contents of the suspension. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

sted, utgiver, år, opplag, sider
2009. Vol. 29, nr 6, s. 1069-1076
Emneord [en]
Al2O3, Dispersants, MgO, Shaping, Suspensions
HSV kategori
URN: urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-13377DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2008.07.061Scopus ID: 2-s2.0-60649096674OAI: oai:DiVA.org:ri-13377DiVA, id: diva2:973583
Tilgjengelig fra: 2016-09-22 Laget: 2016-09-22 Sist oppdatert: 2022-08-30bibliografisk kontrollert

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Forlagets fulltekstScopushttp://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0955221908004342


Lyckfeldt, OlaCarlström, Elis

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Lyckfeldt, OlaCarlström, Elis
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Journal of the European Ceramic Society

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