This paper explores what skills and information are needed to meet the challenges of emergency production. In the near future, Operator 5.0 will operate within Industry 5.0, a sector focused on fostering innovation for all stakeholders, including the environment. One of the core pillars of Operator 5.0 is resilience which means being able to manage emergencies and uncertainties. Achieving this poses a challenge, as the industry struggles to acquire the necessary skills recommended. A framework for skills and information needed for Operator 5.0 to perform emergency production was suggested and used in a case study for face mask production. The results are as follows: 1) skills needed for emergency production are the cognitive/physical ability to perform a task and basic overall digital skills, and 2) the information needs are standards, instructions, and training materials. To create information the following demands on the system were suggested: Universal design, minimize unexpected events, productivity and product quality and safety. The framework could be used with existing contingency planning and preparatory emergency production to plan for better management of emergencies in Sweden or Europe.
This paper was written as part of a Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency funded project (MSB 2022\u201309211)\u200B and the Vinnova funded project RESPIRE (RESPIRE: Rethinking the management of unexpected events for resilient and sustainable production, 2021\u201303685.) and DIGITALIS (DIGITAL work InStructions for cognitive work (DIGITALIS), 2022\u201301280.). It is connected to sustainable production research in XPRES.