In this exploratory workshop, HCI researchers and practitioners and representatives from Disability Rights Organisations meet to learn from each other’s experiences of remote collaboration and communication in hybrid settings. The workshop will be a “crash course” in how live, remote, and disability-inclusive HCI research and practice can be organised for everyone to participate on equal terms, regardless of functional capacity. The focus is not placed on the technologies used but on interpersonal communication, facilitation and management issues, and hands-on design practices. An emphasis will be put on how to foster solidarity among managers and colleagues and how to take collective responsibility for people who often are being marginalised, such as people with disabilities. Based on the outcome of the workshop, a collection of guidelines will be drafted targeting HCI researchers and practitioners who collaborate with stakeholders in remote and hybrid settings.
The research is funded by The Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (FORTE, Project Dnr 2021-01878).