RISE Research Institutes of Sweden hosts most Swedish national metrology institute activities, including time and frequency that is located at its Borås facilities in the southwest of Sweden since 1995. UTC(SP) remains the official designation of the Swedish UTC(k) realization. It is implemented in a redundant classical master clock and phase stepper setup and is locally distributed to different users and time transfer applications. The local clock ensemble consists of hydrogen masers and high-performance commercial Cs standards but is complemented by clocks at two external sites with a redundant realization of UTC(SP). UTC(SP) is linked to TAI using TWSTFT and GNSS, with the primary link using the link combination TWGPPP. The time scale is regularly kept within ±5 ns of UTC, regular calibrations ensure high traceability to UTC. The two external realizations are linked using GNSS or White Rabbit. The time scales are publicly distributed using NTP or NTS. PTP, White Rabbit and GNSS based distribution and traceability is offered as services to customers. Additionally, RISE offers several calibration and monitoring services for the distribution of UTC-traceable time and frequency signals. Time and frequency research at RISE is concentrated on the refinement of GNSS and TWSTFT methods, their calibration and real-time dissemination methods. Traceability and security of network time is another focus area of increasing importance, as is the understanding of interference and its mitigation in the GNSS spectrum. The group is also active in research on fiber based optical frequency transfer. Outside the time metrological responsibilities, the group engages in applied research projects with the aim of establishing metrological aspects of time, frequency and dimension within energy distribution, positioning and navigation, and transport applications in the automotive and maritime domains.