Noise generated by the interaction of inflow turbulence with a lifting surface may be of interest for a number of hydrodynamic applications, including a propeller operating in non-cavitating condition. In the present work, simulation-based methods are applied for the prediction of the radiated noise from a wing in strong inflow turbulence, at a chord-based Reynolds number, Rec = 256000, and a Mach number of 0.09. The case has also been investigated experimentally, and a comparison is made between measurement and simulation results. Large-eddy simulation is employed to predict the flow, with synthetic turbulence fluctuations applied at the inflow boundary. The LES-results are then used to compute the acoustic source terms of an acoustic analogy. The sensitivity of the results to inflow turbulence level and turbulent length scale is investigated. The analysis is focused on the unsteady flow features associated with flow noise generation.