In this report, a framework was developed to assess the profits from participating in the different ancillary services for frequency regulation in Sweden. The framework considers forecasting errors on both production and prices, market clearing times and technical requirements of the difference ancillary services. The framework was applied to evaluate potential profits for a real wind power plant of 2 MW in SE3 in 2020 and 2021. The economic analysis points out to aFRR down as the most profitable market today with additional revenue of as much as 35% compared to day-ahead only in case of perfect production forecasts, and as much as 22 % with consideration of standard production forecast errors. It is also shown that developing bidding strategies based on price forecasting to act on several ancillary service market may increase the revenues by up to 70% compared to day-ahead only. Future work in the topic includes evaluating the profits in other price areas and evaluating different production and price forecast methodologies and their impact on the profits.