The overall goal of the Road Data Lab (RoDL) project is to establish a community platform around open data for roads. The community today consists of AI Sweden who provide a technical platform for storing and sharing data as well as legal knowledge and expertise, community cooperation with several partner organizations and other data labs spearheaded by RISE, and the continued work on open data in general with Lund University and others. We have also during the project made a number of data sets available, from the project partners and others. Lastly, we conducted a hackathon with data from the project as a way to disseminate knowledge of our data and promote utilization. We have published 4 data sets as part of RoDL: The Volvo highway data set, the Zenseact data, Hövding data, and a synthetic dataset for pedestrian detection. The datasets are made available under different open licenses. Working with open innovation and open data have an impact on business models. Open-source software is today established and organizations have experience for what part of their software to make openly available. This is not the case for data. One goal of RoDL was to investigate obstacles and solutions for organizations in terms of the business of open data. However, we could only scratch the surface of this problem – mainly from a license perspective. We see a need for future work to better understand and have solutions for organizations in their analysis of the business of open data.