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Legal utredning för datadelning varor och transporter
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digital Systems, Mobility and Systems.ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8883-0804
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digital Systems, Mobility and Systems.
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digital Systems, Mobility and Systems.ORCID iD: 0009-0003-5834-3225
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Digital Systems, Mobility and Systems.ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9215-3896
2021 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

In this project, the Swedish Transport Administration wanted to have two different tracks investigated from a legal perspective. We have chosen to call the first track a “matchmaking service for freight” to optimize the utilization of available cargo space. There is an assignment from the government to the Swedish Transport Administration to work with this issue based on horizontal collaborations and open data. The second track is about the development of new technology enabling new ways of collecting railway data based on RFID and the possibility of filming passing trains, which in turn raises legal questions about how the Swedish Transport Administration can use collected data.

After analysing the two tracks based on current regulations, interviewing different actors, arranging workshops with different stakeholders, and meetings with experts in the fields, our conclusions are as follows:

So far, it is unclear who will be appointed to be matchmaker and how the matchmaking service is intended to work as the Swedish Transport Administration´s assignment will last for another ten years. Our assessments at this early stage of the Swedish Transport Administration´s assignment aims more to provide advice on how the matchmaking service can be designed in the future. Above all, we foresee that competition law will be a challenge as it regulates horizontal collaborations. In the future, it needs to be investigated more what benefit consumers get from the matchmaking service and how such service can be designed without distorting competition on the market. The matchmaking service is aimed for product owners. The interviews show that they are prepared to share data provided that they get a benefit from this. The interviews also show that they are not used to sharing data in such a way that is required for a matchmaking service to function properly. We therefore believe that work will have to be put on making the product owners understand the benefit of data sharing to facilitate the introduction of a matchmaking service, e.g. by showing good examples to get product owners to think in new ways and dare to take the step. It is also unclear what is meant by open data and how it is compatible with copyright/trade secrets. That part of the assignment needs to be further elucidated.

In our opinion, the Swedish Transport Administration has the copyright to RFID data, and it is also from a copyright perspective that the Swedish Transport Administration has so far shared RFID data (through contracts) with others. One hope with RFID is that the technology will make an impact on the entire European railway network, which in turn raises the question of how RFID data can legally be shared. Our assessments are that it would be possible to turn RFID data into open data to enable data sharing within the EU, but this is something that needs to be discussed further with all the actors involved.

Data collection by filming passing trains is still at an early trial stage. Above all, we see that more work needs to be done to make data collection compatible with the GDPR and the Swedish Camera Surveillance Act. When trains are filmed, information is also collected about the load on the wagons. We see that this can lead to safety risk, which need to be addressed in the future work.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2021. , p. 66
RISE Rapport ; 2021:11
Keywords [en]
Policy Lab, horizontal collaborations, open data, RFID, Intelligent Video Gate
Keywords [sv]
Policylabb, horisontella samarbeten, öppna data, RFID, Intelligent Video Gate
National Category
Natural Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-52175ISBN: 978-91-89167-93-3 (electronic)OAI:, id: diva2:1524861

Den svenska regeringen har 17 strategiska innovationsprogram (så kallade SIPar). Drive Sweden är en av dessa. Drive Sweden består av medlemmar från akademi, industri och samhälle. Tillsammans arbetar medlemmarna med de utmaningar som är kopplade till nästa generations mobilitetssystem för människor och varor. SIParna finansieras av Sveriges innovationsmyndighet Vinnova, Formas, ett forskningsråd för hållbar utveckling och Energimyndigheten. Lindholmen Science Park AB är värd för Drive Sweden.Följande rapport utgör en delrapport i projektet Drive Sweden Policy Lab. Projektet är dels finansierat av VINNOVA genom Drive Sweden, dels av Trafikverket. Totalt har tre delrapporter publicerats från projektet. Projektet beskrivs mer utförligt i Appendix A nedan.Projektet har pågått under tiden oktober 2019 till och med december 2020. RISE har varit projektledare. I projektet har följande parter ingått utöver RISE:- Applied Autonomy AS- Boliden AB- Combitech AB- Easy Mile GmbH- Einride AB- Göteborgs kommun- Keolis Sverige AB- Sveriges Åkeriföretag Västra Götaland- Trafikverket- Veoneer Sweden AB

Available from: 2021-02-02 Created: 2021-02-02 Last updated: 2024-06-25Bibliographically approved

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Andersson, KristinaThidevall, NiklasStenberg, Susanne

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