The design of explosion mitigation strategies e.g. vent design is mainly based on dust explosioncharacteristics such as the maximum explosion pressure XÇïÓ and the deflagration index n! of dustcloud, which are defined in various standards.The wood dust explosion characteristics can be directly obtained by performing standard tests, and testresults are also available in the literature. However, the parameters for one type of dust may varysubstantially in the literature. For example, the n! value for one wood dust is 11.4 times higher thananother wood dust in Gestis-Dust-Ex database. The reason for such large variation in explosionparameters is due to factors such as material properties, particle size distribution, particle shape, moisturecontent, turbulence level during tests and so on.The objectives of this paper are (i) to carry out dust explosion tests for XÇïÓ and n! for two wood dustswith well-described material parameters such as particle size distribution and moisture content accordingto European standards, (ii) to perform statistical analysis of wood dust explosion characteristics includingXÇïÓ and n! in the literature, (iii) to identify the effects of dust material parameters such as particle sizeand moisture contents on XÇïÓ and n! and (iv) to highlight the variation in XÇïÓ and n! and theimportance of obtaining knowledge about these properties of an individual dust, e.g. via dust explosiontests.