Recent advances in Artificial Intelligence have spawned a prolific debate about the future of employment and labour in a world where even intellectual work can be performed by algorithms and robots rather than humans. This article discusses the impact of this development on military professions, and on the very concept of military professionalism. Considering military capability to be built from physical, conceptual, and moral factors, it is observed that with increasing automation of the first and second factors, the human contribution will increasingly be in the third, moral, realm. It is also argued that such a human contribution can still tip the scales, even in a high-tech conflict. Reasoning by analogies, it is claimed that ‘man or machine’ is a false dichotomy, that the challenge is, rather, to find the best combination of the two and that this holds true also in highly intellectual aspects of warfighting, such as intelligence analysis. The article is concluded with some reflections on the challenge of creating innovative military organizations that are tolerant to new divisions of labour between man and machine.