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Designing Affective Loop Experiences
RISE, Swedish ICT, SICS. (Data och Systemvetenskap)
Number of Authors: 12010 (English)Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

There is a lack of attention to the emotional and the physical aspects of communication in how we up to now have been approaching communication between people in the field of Human Computer Interaction (HCI). As de-signers of digital communication tools we need to consider altering the un-derlying model for communication that has been prevailing in HCI: the in-formation transfer model. Communication is about so much more than trans-ferring information. It is about getting to know yourself, who you are and what part you play in the communication as it unfolds. It is also about the experience of a communication process, what it feels like, how that feeling changes, when it changes, why and perhaps by whom the process is initiated, altered, or disrupted. The idea of Affective Loop experiences in design aims to create new expressive and experiential media for whole users, embodied with the social and physical world they live in, and where communication not only is about getting the message across but also about living the experi-ence of communication- feeling it. An Affective Loop experience is an emerging, in the moment, emotional experience where the inner emotional experience, the situation at hand and the social and physical context act together, to create for one complete em-bodied experience. The loop perspective comes from how this experience takes place in communication and how there is a rhythmic pattern in com-munication where those involved take turns in both expressing themselves and standing back interpreting the moment. To allow for Affective Loop experiences with or through a computer system, the user needs to be allowed to express herself in rich personal ways involv-ing our many ways of expressing and sensing emotions – muscles tensions, facial expressions and more. For the user to become further engaged in inter-action, the computer system needs the capability to return relevant, either diminishing, enforcing or disruptive feedback to those emotions expressed by the user so that the she wants to continue express herself by either strengthening, changing or keeping her expression. We describe how we used the idea of Affective Loop experiences as a con-ceptual tool to navigate a design space of gestural input combined with rich instant feedback. In our design journey, we created two systems, eMoto and FriendSense.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Stockholm, Sweden: Departmen of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University , 2010, 8. , p. 117
SICS Dissertation ; DSV Report Series No. 10-008
National Category
Computer and Information Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-23844ISBN: 978-91-7447-142-7 (print)OAI:, id: diva2:1042922
Available from: 2016-10-31 Created: 2016-10-31 Last updated: 2020-12-01Bibliographically approved

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