This report presents a study of the technical performance of new sustainable textile_bers. The sister report scrutinizes the de_nition of “new sustainable textile _bers” andquanti_es the environmental potential of _bers. Together they aim to identify the _berswith the greatest potential to mitigate the environmental impact of _bers currentlydominating the fashion industry.We wanted to quantify the environmental potential of _bers and compare them on a fairand level playing _eld, with the aim to guide policy makers, industry and end customers inselecting “winners” and “losers”. A multitude of other reports and tools with similar aimsexist, though this report includes more types of textile _bers provides more quantitativedata on their performance, and to a greater extent discuss the data found, as well as thedata not found.The work with _nding sustainable _ber alternatives, but also sustainable yarns andfabrics will be on-going in the Mistra Future Fashion programme until the summer of 2019.If you, as a reader, know about sustainable _bers which are missing in the present report,please let us know by e-mail: