Resource efficiency is one of the keys to future papermaking. This paper present a project where a top-down approach has been applied in order to identify, evaluate and combine a set of technologies for application on an existing paper machine. The project was performed within the BoostEff EU project, which had the general goal of qualifying stratified forming in combination with advanced fiber selection and modification.The starting point for the research and development work was a specific chosen paper machine at a Stora Enso paper mill, and the process that was developed was called the Future Manufacturing Concept (FMCs) for manufacturing of high-quality Super Calandered (SC) paper.The specific objective of the project was to develop a concept for SC-Paper production that would give lower environmentalimpact as well as reduced production costs. The project considered stock-preparation and the paper machine forming section. The research and development was made in pilot-scale as well as in mill-scale.Apart from being a specific result for the mill the technologies can be used more generally and the project approach would be of good use for other production units. It should also be noted that all technologies that used in the Future Manufacturing Concept are available on the market today.