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2024 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [en]
Solar Photovoltaics and Rewetting of Peatlands – Opportunities, Challenges and Suggestions Drained peatlands account for one-fifth of Sweden’s national greenhouse gas emissions, which can be significantly reduced through rewetting. However, rewetting makes previously cultivated lands unusable or difficult to use, resulting in a loss of income for landowners. The purpose of the report is to explore the possibilities of combining peatland rewetting with the installation of solar parks to create economic incentives for landowners while contributing to climate goals. To succeed with rewetting, it is crucial to maintain the correct water level and promote suitable vegetation. An optimal water level, a few decimeters below the surface, reduces emissions of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide. Successful establishment of solar installations on rewetted peatlands requires economic viability and secure installations that last around 30 years. Challenges include corrosive environments, soil stability, and cable laying in peatlands. Legislative initiatives and projects from Germany highlight both opportunities and challenges with combined solar and rewetting projects. One pilot project has established a solar park on peatland and destroyed drainage, and is evaluating the impact on soil, vegetation, and wildlife. Experiences show that installation is more costly and technically challenging, but that there is economic and climate mitigation potential. Concrete suggestions and advice are provided for how solar parks can be established on rewetted peatlands. Three establishment methods are discussed: anchoring in mineral soil, anchoring in the peat layer, and floating constructions resting on the ground. Each method has its pros and cons, including aspects such as soil compaction, corrosion, stability, and impact on vegetation. Anchoring in mineral soil provides stability but increases the risk of soil damage, while floating constructions reduce soil impact but are less tested. Several knowledge gaps and research needs are identified. More field studies and practical experiences are needed to develop effective methods and practices for combining solar installations and peatland rewetting. Important research areas include the impact on vegetation and wildlife, handling of corrosion and soil stability, as well as economic and legal aspects. The need for pilot projects with different establishment methods and in various soil conditions is crucial for progress. In summary, the report shows that the combination of solar installations and peatland rewetting has the potential to contribute to climate goals and create economic incentives for landowners. Incentives that tend to become larger for larger peatland areas and for land that is situated near electricity grids with available capacity. At the same time, it is clear that there are technical and economic uncertainties and challenges that need to be addressed.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, 2024. p. 66
RISE Rapport ; 2024:77
peatland, rewetting, photovoltaics, solar energy, ecovoltaics
National Category
Earth and Related Environmental Sciences
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-76323 (URN)978-91-89971-38-7 (ISBN)
Detta är en analys för Naturvårdsverket över möjligheter och utmaningar att kombinera återvätning av torvmark med uppförande av solcellsparker på samma mark. Rapporten lyfter även förslag på hur en solcellspark på återvätad torvmark kan utföras och vad som är viktigt att tänka på. Slutligen så lyfts flera kunskapsluckor och områden där mer forskning eller praktiska försök behövs.
2024-12-232024-12-232024-12-23Bibliographically approved