Open this publication in new window or tab >>2024 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [en]
Furniture and furnishings - A technical fire safety guidance – ”the parallelism method” -
This guidance document is funded and distributed by RISE, Research Institutes of Sweden AB. Addressing the fire risks posed by furniture and furnishings is crucial. Swedish fire statistics from 1999 to 2015 record 2264 fire-related deaths, with about 70% occurring in homes and 9% in other buildings. The highest fatality rates are associated with fires starting in beds and upholstered furniture, a pattern seen in many European countries and globally. Despite the significant risk from furniture and furnishings, Swedish regulations remain minimal. Unlike interior construction products, there are no established systems for classification, approval, marking, or market control. As a result, furniture and furnishings often have poor fire performance, potentially leading to rapid and intense fire development in both domestic and public environments. The purpose of this guidance document is to provide a procedure for selecting furniture and furnishings with fire safety levels that align with the fire properties of the surrounding interior materials. It focuses on individual furniture items, using fire test data to match their performance with the fire test data of interior linings. For example, a surface material with a specific Euroclass fire rating can be paired with furniture exhibiting similar fire properties. The aim is to create spaces where both interior items and construction materials exhibit comparable fire behaviour. This approach is referred to in this guidance as the "parallelism method." While this guidance is straightforward to use, it is most effective when applied by individuals with some fire safety expertise who can interpret the recommendations within the context of building regulations or fire safety engineering. Additionally, detailed chapters on fire technical properties and test methods are included to support professionals evaluating fire behaviour, conducting fire modelling, reviewing test reports, or involved in product development. The proposed actions for improving fire safety are based on international fire research and proven experience, as referenced in the guidance. However, the user bears full responsibility for applying the guidance, and the authors disclaim liability for any damages, costs, or issues arising from its use.
Abstract [sv]
Trots faran med lös inredning så regleras generellt inte den lösa inredningens brandegenskaper av myndighetskrav. Dessutom saknas system för klassifikation, godkännande, märkning och kontroll såsom för byggprodukter, dvs. byggnadens fastainredning. Den lösa inredningen har därför ofta dåliga brandegenskaper och kan ge upphov till snabba och häftiga brandförlopp. Detta gäller både bostäder och offentlig miljö.
Denna väglednings syfte är därför att erbjuda en teknik att välja lös inredning utifrån dess brandegenskaper för ökad säkerhet. Den är tänkt att vara enkel att använda både för hemmiljö och för offentlig miljö. I första hand riktar vi oss till personer med brandkompetens som kan tillämpa vägledningen och sätta råden i ett sammanhang, vilket kan vara till exempel Boverkets byggregler, lagen om skydd mot olyckor, systematiskt brandskyddsarbete mm.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, 2024. p. 42
RISE Rapport ; 2024:3
National Category
Construction Management
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-74937 (URN)978-91-89896-44-4 (ISBN)
2024-08-212024-08-212024-12-16Bibliographically approved