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2021 (English)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [en]
The objective of X2Rail-3 (Grant Agreement No. 826141) Task 7.5 is an analysis of the businessmodel for the Virtually Coupled Train Sets (VCTS) concept. The VCTS concept was developed inX2Rail-3 Work Packages 6 and 7. The MOVINGRAIL project, which was the only project fundedunder the IP2 open call S2R-OC-IP2-01-2018, provided inputs concerning the cost effectiveness,application roadmap as well as business risks and overall market potential of VCTS. Thisdeliverable (D7.5) is the outcome of Task 7.5. First, it provides an analysis of the inputs providedby MOVINGRAIL, putting them in context with previous X2Rail-3 work. Then, taking theconclusions of the analysis into account, two different application cases for VCTS are presented.Strategies to implement the application cases are detailed, including a vision for implementingVCTS within the RCA and OCORA reference architectures. Finally, the business case of VCTS iscompared against business objectives identified within the LinX4Rail project.
The application cases for VCTS presented in this deliverable are standalone VCTS and ETCS-based VCTS. Standalone VCTS is an application of VCTS that focuses on low-traffic lines thatare today using Class B signalling systems that cannot be upgraded to ETCS in a cost-effectiveway. In summary, it is a low-cost onboard train protection system which has the objectives ofproviding an economically interesting upgrade path for Class B systems and raising the maturityof the underlying technology required for VCTS, thus, fostering the wide-scale introduction. ETCS-based VCTS is an application of VCTS that focuses on high-traffic lines and bases on ETCS Level2 or Level 3. ETCS-based VCTS is the actual goal of the VCTS concept and has the mainobjectives of reducing headway and improving flexibility of operation in order to increase linecapacity and provide the technical basis for innovative business models.
For each application case, a migration strategy is presented, detailing the non-technical andtechnical steps required for implementing and on-site testing a first complete demonstrator withina period of three to five years. The migration strategies provide details for train protection, trafficmanagement, automatic train operation, on-board train integrity, communication and VCTS (on-board and trackside, if applicable) sub-systems. As detailed in Deliverable 7.4 “Impact Analysis”which was prepared in parallel to this deliverable, the introduction of VCTS does not change thefundamental principles of any of the existing sub-systems, i.e., a full rework is not required.
Beyond the migration strategies, the vision of implementing ETCS-based VCTS within the RCAand OCORA reference architectures is presented, which would imply software changes only and,thus, simplify the migration considerably. Finally, the impact of VCTS is compared against thebusiness objectives identified in the LinX4Rail project. Taking the presented migration strategiesand MOVINGRAIL input into account, it is shown that VCTS is in line with the RUs’, IMs’ andsuppliers’ business objectives.
Ultimately, VCTS is an innovative concept that can raise scepticism by operators and the generalpublic. Its safety can be achieved within the near future, but this needs to be communicated clearlyto foster the acceptance of VCTS. Only then, VCTS cannot only improve current railway operationwith increased capacity, reliability and lower operational costs, but even provide the basis for novelbusiness models that benefit from the increased flexibility.
p. 104
VCTS, Virtual Coupling, SWOT, Railway Signalling
National Category
Other Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-73544 (URN)
EU, Horizon 2020, 826141
2024-06-112024-06-112024-06-11Bibliographically approved