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2024 (English)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [en]
Replacing petroleum-based with bio-based ingredients in articles and chemical products is one important step towards reducing the environmental impact, and promoting circular economy practices, aligning with the goal “Responsible Consumption and Production” within United Nations’ Agenda 2030. The aim of the project was to develop bio-based prototype ski waxes and to evaluate and benchmark them with commercial petroleum-based PFAS-free ski waxes, in terms of hydrophobicity, glide performance and biodegradation.
Bio-based ski wax prototypes were blended using a mixture of ingredients approved for either topical application or ingestion by humans. Which ingredients and relative ratios to mix were based on melting points, general hydrophobic properties and generated knowledge from testing of earlier prototypes. It should be noted that only Vallakokerskan has the information about the exact content in the ski wax prototypes.
The hypothesis is that more hydrophobic, i.e. more water repellent, ski wax allows better transportation of the water film away from the ski/snow interface, providing lower friction and better glide. The hydrophobicity of ski waxes and ingredients was quantified from contact angle measurements using water and ethylene glycol as the liquid in a climate-controlled room (23°C and 50% relative humidity). To measure contact angles at sub-zero degrees, a less sensitive but portable device was put in a freezer room at -5°C where contact angles were measured using ethylene glycol.
The ski waxes showed similar hydrophobicity, in the measured static, advancing and receding contact angles, both in room temperature and at -5°C. However, the roll-off angle when the water droplet started to roll, was slightly lower for the commercial ski waxes than the bio-based prototypes. Greater differences in hydrophobicity and roll-off angles were observed for the ingredients compared to the ski wax.
In the glide tests on snow, it was difficult to separate the bio-based and commercial ski wax. This was both when considering the total glide time from four skiers testing each ski wax (ski pair) twice, and in the pairwise comparisons as is normally done when selecting skis before competition. These results show that the bio-based prototypes are comparable to commercial ski wax that is used both for competition and recreational skiing. While having similar glide function, the advantage of the bio-based ski wax is that it contains only naturally derived ingredients and that it seems to degrade slightly more rapidly in the environment. The biodegradation was compared between one bio-based and one petroleum-based ski wax using a respiration test where formed CO₂ was quantified over time. The estimated number of days required for complete degradation of the bio-based ski wax and commercial ski wax would be 223 days and 335 days, respectively, if the degradation continues at the same rate and if all carbon is converted to CO₂. In comparison to cellulose, both ski waxes degrade relatively slowly, most likely due to their hydrophobic properties.
During the project it was decided to also quantify and compare the hardness of the waxes since that is being discussed more and more as one additional characterisation technique in the project. The hardness measurements were done at -5°C. The maximum force encountered (firmness) when a probe was lowered into the sample during the compression test was taken as the hardness. Differences were obtained between the samples where the average firmness (hardness) was higher for the commercial green, blue and purple commercial ski waxes compared to the corresponding bio-based wax. However, the bio-based yellow was harder than the corresponding yellow commercial ski wax. Large differences in hardness at -5°C for the ingredients were noted.
The prototypes have been made with a mixture of different ingredients. The results from the hydrophobicity and hardness measurements of ingredients, can be used to select and modify the relative amount of each ingredient in the ski wax. If the hypothesis is that more hydrophobic and harder ingredients are better for the glide, it could be interesting to see if a wax containing a higher amount of those harder and more hydrophobic ingredients could increase the performance.
The focus in this project has been to develop a bio-based ski wax matrix. As a next step it would be interesting to develop and incorporate bio-based additives to try to increase the performance further. Another future outlook is to make the bio-based wax as a liquid product that are becoming more popular due the ease of application and less waste during the waxing procedure.
p. 29
RISE Rapport ; 2024:53
ski wax, ski glide, bio-based, hydrophobicity, contact angles, biodegradation, respiration tests, hardness, sustainability
National Category
Materials Engineering
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-74969 (URN)978-91-89971-12-7 (ISBN)
The project (reference number 2023-02657) was granted within the call "BioInnovation Hypotesprövning steg 1 - Nyskapande projekt med hög risk" and was run between 15th of November 2023 to 31st of May 2024.
2024-08-292024-08-292024-09-23Bibliographically approved