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Sandberg, K., Görman, F. & Martynyuk, I. (2024). Framtidens design och processen mot ett cirkulärt träbyggande. Bygg och Teknik, 30-33
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Framtidens design och processen mot ett cirkulärt träbyggande
2024 (Swedish)In: Bygg och Teknik, ISSN 0281-658X, E-ISSN 2002-8350, p. 30-33Article in journal (Other academic) Published
Abstract [sv]

Hur kan träindustrin bidra till ökad cirkularitet och samverkan i byggandets värdekedja? Övergången från en linjär ekonomi till en cirkulär ekonomi innebär utmaningar och det är svårt att veta var man ska börja. Kan industriellt producerade trähus ge svaret på hur en sådan process kan se ut och visa hur vi kan bygga idag för att återbruka mer i framtiden och därmed spara på planetens resurser?

National Category
Building Technologies
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-75959 (URN)

Forskningsinstitutet RISE och IVL Svenska miljöinstitutet genomför tillsammans med parter från byggvärdekedjan projektet Framtidens design -Återbruk av träbyggnader i en cirkulär ekonomi för att studera återanvändning av träbyggnader. Projektet är finansierat av Vinnova och projektparterna ETTELVA, Masonite Beams, IsoTimber, Lindbäcks, Derome, Skellefteå Kommun, RagnSells, Kiruna Bostäder, Sortera, Södra Smålands Avfall & Miljö, OBOS, Folkhem, Svenskt Trä, och Trä och möbelföretagen.

Available from: 2024-10-18 Created: 2024-10-18 Last updated: 2024-10-18Bibliographically approved
Jarnerö, K., Vikberg, T., Sandberg, K. & Falk, M. U. (2024). Områdesanalys för träindustrins biogena kolflöden. RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Områdesanalys för träindustrins biogena kolflöden
2024 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

Mapping of biogenic carbon flows in the forest-based value chains in Sweden

The sawmill and wood industry sector is characterized by a high proportion of the use of domestic raw materials, where only around 2% of the timber comes from imports. 2950 kt of carbon is exported, which can be compared to the domestic use (including for energy purposes) of 8720 kt of carbon. Of the primary raw material used in the sawmills, 28% ends up in sawn spruce (2280 kt of carbon) and 18% in sawn pine (1460 kt of carbon). The sawn timber is then sent to the construction trade or for further processing within the wood manufacturing industry into various construction products, as well as to the furniture industry. The remaining portion of the wood raw material in the sawmills becomes by-products that go to energy production or to the pulp and paper industry.

From the Swedish wood manufacturing industry, there is a flow consisting of by- and residual streams where the majority becomes return wood chips (RT chips) that are either burned in their own boilers for heat production at the industry or sent to heating or combined heat and power plants. The amount of RT chips that enter the Swedish power and heating plants annually amounts to 1300 kt of carbon. The difference between what goes into the wood manufacturing industry and what is energy recovered in the form of primarily RT chips is bound in long-lived products such as wooden frames, building interiors, furnishings, and furniture, which are also partially exported.

The market for reuse and recycling of wood within the construction sector is still underdeveloped in Sweden, pilot studies are ongoing, and only small amounts of timber flow in this process. Since construction products often have functional and quality requirements that need to meet current building codes upon reuse, reuse is complicated, and the issue of responsibility also complicates matters. Regulations, test methods, new actors, and business models need to be developed.

There is a clear potential to use by- and residual streams from the wood value chain more efficiently considering the increasing competition for wood raw material from the forest. Two clear tracks

• Capture juvenile fibers from the breakdown and postprocessing processes in the wood value chain and coordinate flows into volumes that can be utilized for products instead of energy production. This requires coordination of more sectors than just the actors in the forest sector to find the right biogenic raw materials for energy production.

• Develop processes, methods, and business models that contribute to RT chips being used to a greater extent for products instead of energy production. A prerequisite for change is that both industry and society's energy supply (electricity and heat) can be managed with less energy from combustion of wood raw material.

Among the actors in the value chain, there is an understanding and even a willingness to make a transition, but above all, there is a lack of economic incentives to do so.

A further perspective, given the increasing competition for wood raw material from the forest, is to reflect on the volumes of exported wood, its use, resource efficiency and possible national need.

Today, there is a significant lack of detailed public statistics and data on the amount of sawn timber that goes into various types of products. The risk of disclosing company- that data collected by, for example, SCB (Statistics Sweden) cannot be published officially. Not all companies report data either. Statistics are available for flows upstream for sawmill production and downstream for distribution. Individual companies in the value chain have good knowledge of their internal flows. Statistics for product categories within wood manufacturing are specified at the product level and not in the level of detail for the input material. The low resolution makes it difficult to compile reliable statistics for flows of wood-based material. For energy and heat production, statistics are available via Energiföretagen (Swedish Energy Companies) and industry organizations. However, there is currently poor knowledge about the material flows that go to RT chips, which then go to combustion. A further perspective, given the increasing competition for wood raw material from the forest, is to reflect on the volumes of exported wood, its use, resource efficiency and possible national need.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, 2024. p. 48
RISE Rapport ; 2024:81
skog, trä, bioekonomi, massa, papper, såg, kolflöden, koleffektivitet
National Category
Mechanical Engineering
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-76878 (URN)978-91-89971-42-4 (ISBN)
forest, wood, bioeconomy, pulp, paper, saw, carbon flows, carbon efficiency

BioInnovation är ett strategiskt innovationsprogram grundat av Skogsindustrierna, IKEM och TEKO. Programmet finansieras av Vinnova, Energimyndigheten och Formas samt de intressenter från näringsliv, akademi, institut och offentlig sektor som deltar. Målet är att öka förädlingsvärdet och konkurrenskraften i den svenska biobaserade sektorn genom att skapa bästa möjliga förutsättningar för att ta fram nya biobaserade material, produkter och tjänster. 

Available from: 2025-01-23 Created: 2025-01-23 Last updated: 2025-01-23Bibliographically approved
Sandberg, K., Cristescu, C. & Schlyter, C. (2024). Återanvänt trä till fasader på nytt sätt. Bygg och Teknik (2), 21-23
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Återanvänt trä till fasader på nytt sätt
2024 (Swedish)In: Bygg och Teknik, ISSN 0281-658X, E-ISSN 2002-8350, no 2, p. 21-23Article in journal (Other academic) Published
Abstract [sv]

När en byggnad rivs skickas det mesta av virket till förbränning och energiåtervinning. Tänk om det i stället är möjligt både tekniskt och ekonomist att använda en del av virket för att industriellt tillverka fasader av återvunnet trä till nya hus! Tillsammans undersöker branschen och forskare möjligheterna för att använda återvunnet trä på ett lönsamt sätt.

National Category
Building Technologies
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-75958 (URN)

FÅTT är finansierat av BioInnovation (Vinnova, Energimyndigheten, Formas) och deltagande projektpartners. Deltagare är Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE), Luleå Tekniska Universitet (LTU), Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet (SLU), Norsjö trä AB, Trä & teknikcollege, PEAB i Sverige, LindbäcksBygg, Grön Bo Produktion, Skebo, Würth, Ragn-Sells Recycling, Snidex, IsoTimber, Lotus Maskin & Transport AB och Skellefteå Kommun. Projektet startade juni 2023 och pågår till juli 2026.

Available from: 2024-10-18 Created: 2024-10-18 Last updated: 2024-10-18Bibliographically approved
Schlyter, C. & Sandberg, K. (2023). Computational design development of a wooden facade system. In: 13th World Conference on Timber Engineering, WCTE 2023: . Paper presented at 13th World Conference on Timber Engineering: Timber for a Livable Future, WCTE 2023. Oslo, Norway. 19 June 2023 through 22 June 2023 (pp. 4295-4302). World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE), 7
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Computational design development of a wooden facade system
2023 (English)In: 13th World Conference on Timber Engineering, WCTE 2023, World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE) , 2023, Vol. 7, p. 4295-4302Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

The implementation of computer design within the building industry has created new possibilities for creating digital tools for users such as architects. There is however a lack of easy to use, efficient digital tools to aid and explore design alternatives for architects when using products within the wood building industry. This paper demonstrates how a modular facade system in wood can be adapted for facade configurations in different contexts by using computational design. The goal is to develop a digital design tool that is easy to use and provides the architect with a high degree of freedom to create project-unique facades. The design tool is developed with computational design methods for flexible and adaptive design. In parallel, assessment is made that the design solutions can be manufactured smoothly and quickly via digitalization and industrial production. The result of this research shows that the façade system can be customized by using parametric programming methods, and thus enable architects to design facades for different contexts. The design tool was verified with the architect partners concerning usability and manufacturers concerning production.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE), 2023
Architectural design; Construction industry; Degrees of freedom (mechanics); Facades; Product design; Timber; Wooden buildings; Wooden construction; Adaptable design; Building industry; Computational design; Design development; Design tool; Digital design tools; Digital tools; Facade design; Heartwood; Parametric design; Digital devices
National Category
Mechanical Engineering
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-68018 (URN)10.52202/069179-0559 (DOI)2-s2.0-85171301799 (Scopus ID)
13th World Conference on Timber Engineering: Timber for a Livable Future, WCTE 2023. Oslo, Norway. 19 June 2023 through 22 June 2023

The project is founded equally by Vinnova Sweden’s innovation agency, the Swedish Energy Agency, and Formas together with the industry partners. 

Available from: 2023-11-23 Created: 2023-11-23 Last updated: 2023-12-04Bibliographically approved
Sandberg, K. & Pousette, A. (2023). Framtidens design: ÅTERANVÄNDNING AVTRÄBYGGNADER I EN CIRKULÄR EKONOMI. Husbyggaren (4), 10-13
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Framtidens design: ÅTERANVÄNDNING AVTRÄBYGGNADER I EN CIRKULÄR EKONOMI
2023 (Swedish)In: Husbyggaren, no 4, p. 10-13Article in journal (Other academic) Published
Abstract [sv]

Hur kommer framtidens byggande att se ut? Forskningsinstitutet RISE och IVL Svenska miljöinstitutet genomför tillsammans med industriparter ett projekt för att studera återanvändning av träbyggnader i en cirkulär ekonomi. Projektparterna har bland annat arbetat med två demonstratorer där trähus ska kunna ändras, flyttas och byggas på efter behov.

National Category
Building Technologies
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-75960 (URN)
Available from: 2024-10-18 Created: 2024-10-18 Last updated: 2024-10-18Bibliographically approved
Sandin, Y., Cramer, M. & Sandberg, K. (2023). HOW TIMBER BUILDINGS CAN BE DESIGNED FOR DECONSTRUCTION AND REUSE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ISO 20887. In: : . Paper presented at WCTE 2023 - World Conference on Timber Engineering 19.-22. June, 2023, Oslo, Norway.
2023 (English)Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

There is a need for a shift towards circular economy in the building and construction sector. Design for deconstruction and reuse (DfDR) and design for adaptability (DfA) have been suggested as means to facilitate reuse of buildings and diminish waste and material consumption. A standard, ISO 20887:2020, has appeared to support the implementation of DfDR/A. One objective of this study is to demonstrate timber building design examples that can be considered consistent with the standard and designs that should be avoided. Another objective is to examine if there are important aspects of DfDR/A for timber buildings that are insufficiently covered by ISO 20887:2020. The broader, long-term aim of the work is to remove thresholds to DfDR/A by providing support for designers and industry in applying the standard. The principles and strategies in ISO 20887:2020 are illustrated with practical examples from case studies, organised in a searchable database.

Disassembly, adaptability, circular economy, timber building, ISO 20887
National Category
Building Technologies
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-65513 (URN)
WCTE 2023 - World Conference on Timber Engineering 19.-22. June, 2023, Oslo, Norway
Available from: 2023-06-13 Created: 2023-06-13 Last updated: 2023-06-13Bibliographically approved
Schlyter, C. & Sandberg, K. (2023). USING CO-DESIGN FOR DEVELOPING A NEW WOODEN FAÇADE SYSTEM. In: World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2023): . Paper presented at World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2023). Oslo, Norway. (pp. 3931-3936).
Open this publication in new window or tab >>USING CO-DESIGN FOR DEVELOPING A NEW WOODEN FAÇADE SYSTEM
2023 (English)In: World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2023), 2023, p. 3931-3936Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

The objective is to demonstrate the co-operative design (co-design) and production development process of a new wooden façade system. Today, architects and designers are seldom involved in the development process when designing new products within the wood building industry. The architect and the actors in the wood value chain are far from understanding their respective standpoints in new product development, thus creating a gap. This gap between actors hinders innovation and can mean that valuable design knowledge and methods are not used that can promote innovation in the wood building industry. In this paper we demonstrate how the development process of the façade system is profoundly influenced and improved by incorporating knowledge of the design process. Product development is becoming more and more complex and therefore more knowledge intense. This was addressed by working in parallel with partners coming from different areas of expertise, resulting in a co-design process considering aesthetic and functional requirements as well as the industrial manufacturing processes, interactively, throughout the entire development process. Using co-design when designing an adaptable facade system has proven to enable assessment of complex requirements, resulting in a sustainable system that can ensure good quality on material, aesthetics, and functions.

Façade design, Cladding, Heartwood, Design process, Co-design, Adaptable design
National Category
Civil Engineering
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-66213 (URN)10.52202/069179-0511 (DOI)
World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2023). Oslo, Norway.

Thanks to the strategic program Bioinnovation Construction & Design, IPOS – Innovations in woodbased building materials and products, subproject “The facade of the city Swift, Stylish, Smart”. The project is founded equally by Vinnova Sweden’s innovation agency, the Swedish Energy Agency, and Formas together with the industry partners. Thanks to E2B2 Swedish Energy Agency concerning the project Climate smart renovation with innovative façade system. A special thanks to SCA and Hedlunda for industrial input and KBAB. 

Available from: 2023-09-20 Created: 2023-09-20 Last updated: 2023-12-04Bibliographically approved
Sandin, Y., Shotton, E., Cramer, M., Sandberg, K., Walsh, S. J., Östling, J., . . . Zabala Mejia, A. (2022). Design of Timber Buildings for Deconstruction and Reuse — Three methods and five case studies.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Design of Timber Buildings for Deconstruction and Reuse — Three methods and five case studies
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2022 (English)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

There is a need for a shift towards circular economy in the construction sector and design philosophies as Design for Deconstruction and Reuse (DfDR) and Design for Adaptability (DfA) are being developed as means to design out waste and enhance resource efficiency. However, applying these philosophies is not yet common practice. The amount of DfDR/A timber buildings described in literature is limited. This study aims at increasing and spreading knowledge on DfDR/A for timber buildings. It has four goals: 1) To suggest methods to apply DfDR/A. 2) To suggest new design solutions. 3) To collect experiences on connections in relation to DfDR. 4) To suggest how guidelines for deconstruction and reuse can be formulated. The study presents three methods that all proved valuable in applying DfDR/A: one discussion-based method to improve an already existing timber building design, one indicator system to assess the DfDR/A potential of building designs, and one matrix to guide design decisions. We used the first method to conduct five case studies in four European countries. The studied designs were judged to be well or relatively well adapted for deconstruction and reuse already today. The fact that the studied buildings are all offsite manufactured and of modular composition benefits the deconstruction process, partly because construction and deconstruction are similar processes so that the knowledge and infrastructure that companies have can be directly transferred to enable deconstruction and reuse. Where large modules can be recovered, the time and energy needed for deconstruction as well as the risk for damage will be reduced. Disadvantages to deconstruction and reuse identified were typically linked to the complexity of building modules and that individual components are not independent. This was reflected as irreversible or hidden connections, inaccessible services, interconnected layers of the structural modules and many different component sizes. One of the case study buildings, designed with mass timber panels, excelled in the simplicity and reduction of number of steps required for maximum material recovery. New designs suggested included making fasteners more accessible to deconstruction, avoiding letting sensitive materials as plastic foils and particle boards pass continuously over joints between elements, and (for cases where standard units are not already used) standardizing elements. One case suggested using solid wood components instead of engineered wood products to achieve durability. The study showed that simple changes in design can lead to an augmented reuse potential. Some of the new design solutions generated will be taken into production by the participating manufacturers. Insights on connections included recognizing the fact that the use of reversible screwed connections is not sufficient to ensure deconstructability and that although nailed or glued connections severely complicate reuse of components, they might be accepted within elements in case reuse on element level is the target. Guidelines for deconstruction and reuse were developed in all case studies. Taken as a group of studies, there are advantageous additions proposed to earlier guidance documents. Despite being based on the same source, the different plans suggested varied substantially. There was a noteworthy difference between manufacturers’ in-house plans to those proposed by architects, engineers, or researchers, which speaks to the uncertainty regarding the appropriate structure and format.

p. 440
RISE Rapport ; 2022:52
National Category
Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-59357 (URN)978-91-89561-92-2 (ISBN)
Available from: 2022-06-20 Created: 2022-06-20 Last updated: 2024-07-28Bibliographically approved
Sandin, Y., Mundt-Petersen, O., Linderoth, O. & Sandberg, K. (2022). Experiences from the Deconstruction of a Timber Building.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Experiences from the Deconstruction of a Timber Building
2022 (English)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

This study reports on a deconstruction process followed on site, with the purpose of documenting experiences that can help us understand how to design timber buildings for future deconstruction and reuse. The deconstruction concerned three timber buildings built up by volumes (3D modules produced off-site). Modules were in good shape at the time of deconstruction except for some minor local moisture damages. They were all covered and transported to be reused elsewhere. Experiences made included that lack of information on the assumed deconstruction process delayed and complicated the work. A need for disassembly plans was highlighted, including things as order of dismantling, positions of lifting points, weight of modules and positions of screws and amount of screw used. Results indicate that simple, clearly visible joints and services, limit the potential problems and damages during deconstruction. The building should simply be designed to be taken down in the future, the amount of screw allowed should be clearly described and the number of attachments should be limited. Furthermore, the risk of burglary during deconstruction needs to be considered as this may cause damage and delay.

p. 26
RISE Rapport ; 2022:09
deconstruction, timber building, case study
National Category
Building Technologies
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-59167 (URN)978-91-89561-24-3 (ISBN)
Available from: 2022-04-29 Created: 2022-04-29 Last updated: 2023-06-08Bibliographically approved
Sandberg, K. & Pousette, A. (2022). Fasaden i staden – Nytt fasadkoncept i trä. Bygg och Teknik (2), 14-17
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Fasaden i staden – Nytt fasadkoncept i trä
2022 (Swedish)In: Bygg och Teknik, ISSN 0281-658X, E-ISSN 2002-8350, no 2, p. 14-17Article in journal (Other academic) Published
Abstract [sv]

Fasadprojektet “Fasaden i staden Snabb, Snygg, Smart” är avslutat. Syftet med projektet var att öka marknaden för träfasader genom hållbara och flexibla fasadsystem med en estetik anpassad för stadsmiljö. Det nya fasadkonceptet i trä har utvecklats genom projektets omfattande studier och tester av material, design och teknik. Resultatet är ett system med färdiga fasadelement av furubrädor som är snabbt att montera och har en design som är lätt att variera.

National Category
Building Technologies
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-60128 (URN)
Note  Läs hela artikeln i Bygg & teknik 2/2022.

Available from: 2022-09-16 Created: 2022-09-16 Last updated: 2023-05-23Bibliographically approved

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