Open this publication in new window or tab >>2016 (English)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [en]
In this Annex, the following was aimed to be developed:1) Common calculation methods for SPF using a generalised and transparent approach, based on repeatability and reliable test data from laboratory measurements.2) Establish comprehensive test methods based on further development of existing teststandards. The test standards should include test conditions needed for the future SPF calculations.3) A method to evaluate additional heat pump performance, e.g. Carbon Footprint, Primary Energy Saving or Energy Savings.
A matrix of existing standards, test methods and monitoring protocols was assembled, and similarities and differences between these were studied. A swot analysis was performed and proposals for how a harmonisation of test points for lab testing could happen were developed. By this harmonisation, manufacturers could test the performance of heat pumps in any accredited lab and then apply for all certificates that require tested performance, globally.
In order to better understand the accuracy of calculation methods to predict real performance, a comparison of existing calculation methods and results from field measurements were made. All calculation methods have underestimated the SPF compared to the monitored value.
This Annex has also contributed to the development of a whole new standard in the US the IHP (or multifunction HP) test standard, ANSI/ASHRAE 206-2013.
Different methods to calculate and compare heat pumps with other heating technologies were also suggested in this work, mainly based on an LCA perspective, nut also models that calculates the CO2 emissions reduction, or the Primary Energy (PE) use have been proposed.
The Japanese team in the Annex has proposed that test chambers should be built and instrumented in the same manner in order to minimise uncertainties between test sites.
p. 548
IEA Rapport ; HPT-AN39-1
common, method, testing, rating, heat pump, residential, air condition, annual, seasonal, performance, spf, annex 39, annex39, annex 39
National Category
Natural Sciences
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-27702 (URN)978-91-88349-66-8 (ISBN)