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Sæter Bøe, A., Hox, K., Fjellgaard Mikalsen, R. & Friquin, K. L. (2024). Large-scale fire experiments in a cross-laminated timber compartment with an adjacent corridor – Partly and fully protected with a water sprinkler system. Fire safety journal, 148, Article ID 104212.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Large-scale fire experiments in a cross-laminated timber compartment with an adjacent corridor – Partly and fully protected with a water sprinkler system
2024 (English)In: Fire safety journal, ISSN 0379-7112, E-ISSN 1873-7226, Vol. 148, article id 104212Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Two fire experiments have been conducted to study sprinkler system extinguishing performance in a compartment (13 m2) with an adjacent corridor (12 m2), both with exposed cross-laminated timber (CLT). Four nozzles were installed in the corridor and two in the compartment. In Experiment 1, the sprinkler system was fully functional and successfully controlled a concealed fire. In Experiment 2, nozzles in the compartment were disconnected, while the corridor nozzles were operative, giving flashover after 5 min with large flames emerging into the corridor, rapidly worsening evacuation conditions. Despite four activated nozzles in the corridor, the temperatures remained high, and flames spread through the corridor along the CLT ceiling and the upper parts of the wall, an area that was not effectively protected by the nozzles. After flashover, the compartment temperatures remained stable at ∼1000 °C until experiment termination at 96 min. This continued fire in the compartment can be explained by water from the corridor sprinklers not reaching this area, extensive radiative feedback by the CLT surfaces and delamination of CLT elements of the 20 mm layers. The charring rate was ≥1.1 mm/min for large parts of the exposed CLT wall and ceiling in the compartment during the fire. 

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Elsevier Ltd, 2024
Fire extinguishers; Flashover; Hose; Laminating; Nozzles; Sprinkler systems (irrigation); Timber; Compartment fires; Cross laminated; Cross-laminated timber; Evacuation; Extinguishing systems; Fire experiments; Laminated timber; Large-scale fire experiments; Large-scales; Safety way-guidance; Fires
National Category
Civil Engineering
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-74782 (URN)10.1016/j.firesaf.2024.104212 (DOI)2-s2.0-85197388636 (Scopus ID)

The experiments were financed by the owners of the building, the Student Welfare Organisation in Trondheim, Norway. The publishing of the results has been financed by the Fire Research and Innovation Centre (FRIC), which is funded by its partners, by the Research Council of Norway (program BRANNSIKKERHET, project number 294649) and the Gjensidige Foundation.

Available from: 2024-08-27 Created: 2024-08-27 Last updated: 2024-08-27Bibliographically approved
Sæter Bøe, A., Sesseng, C. & Hox, K. (2019). BRAVENT – Delrapport 2 ; Brannspredning i ventilasjonskanaler.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>BRAVENT – Delrapport 2 ; Brannspredning i ventilasjonskanaler
2019 (Norwegian)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

This is sub-report 2 of the BRAVENT project (Fire and smoke distribution in ventilation ducts) which presents results from experiments where the risk of spreading fire and heat in ventilation ducts has been investigated. In the experiments, the effect of fire insulation on the duct, and mixing hot smoke with air at room temperature in the duct (as from adjacent rooms) has been investigated. The ventilation duct was connected to a furnace at one end and a fan at the other end. The furnace was heated to the desired temperature, and hot smoke was drawn through the duct at a certain velocity. Thermocouples measured the temperature both inside the duct (smoke gas temperatures) and on the duct’s external surface at different distances from the furnace.

p. 76
RISE Rapport ; 2019:12
National Category
Natural Sciences
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-37536 (URN)978-91-88907-05-9 (ISBN)
Available from: 2019-01-23 Created: 2019-01-23 Last updated: 2024-04-09Bibliographically approved
Storesund, K., Steen-Hansen, A., Sesseng, C. & Hox, K. (2018). Assessment of the response time of Norwegian fire and rescue service. In: Nordic Fire & Safety Days 2018: . Paper presented at Nordic Fire & Safety Days 2018 (NFSD 2018), June 7-8, 2018, Trondheim, Norway.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Assessment of the response time of Norwegian fire and rescue service
2018 (English)In: Nordic Fire & Safety Days 2018, 2018Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
National Category
Natural Sciences
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-39347 (URN)
Nordic Fire & Safety Days 2018 (NFSD 2018), June 7-8, 2018, Trondheim, Norway
Available from: 2019-07-08 Created: 2019-07-08 Last updated: 2023-05-09Bibliographically approved
Hox, K. (2017). Full-scale test of fire detection in afacade using heat detection cable andflame detector.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Full-scale test of fire detection in afacade using heat detection cable andflame detector
2017 (English)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

This report presents a full-scale test carried out 31 January 2017 in which the objective was to find out how much the fire progresses before it is detected by a heat detection cable mounted in a steel pipe, and a flame detector.  In the setup being tested the flame detector detected the fire almost immediately after ignition. The heat detection cables mounted in steel pipes did not detect the fire until it had spread all the way to the pipes.

p. 21
RISE rapport ; A17 20368
National Category
Natural Sciences
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-33291 (URN)
Available from: 2018-02-22 Created: 2018-02-22 Last updated: 2020-04-20Bibliographically approved
Hox, K. (2017). Full-scale test of fire detection in afacade using heat detection cable andflame detector.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Full-scale test of fire detection in afacade using heat detection cable andflame detector
2017 (English)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

This report presents a full-scale test carried out 31 January 2017 in which the objectivewas to find out how much the fire progresses before it is detected by a heat detectioncable mounted in a steel pipe, and a flame detector.

In the setup being tested the flame detector detected the fire almost immediately afterignition. The heat detection cables mounted in steel pipes did not detect the fire until ithad spread all the way to the pipes.

p. 19
RISE Rapport ; A17 20368
National Category
Engineering and Technology
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-50885 (URN)
Available from: 2020-11-27 Created: 2020-11-27 Last updated: 2020-11-27
Hox, K. (2017). Fullskalatest av deteksjon av brann i fasade med varmedetekterende kabel og flammedetektor.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Fullskalatest av deteksjon av brann i fasade med varmedetekterende kabel og flammedetektor
2017 (Norwegian)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [no]

I denne rapporten presenteres en fullskalatest gjennomført 31. januar 2017 der målet var å finne ut hvor stor brannen blir før den blir detektert av en varmedetekterende kabel montert i et stålrør og en flammedetektor.  Flammedetektoren detekterte brannen umiddelbart etter antenning i det oppsettet som ble testet. Den varmedetekterende kabelen montert i stålrør detekterer ikke brannen før brannen hadde spredt seg helt til røret.

p. 18
SPFR-rapport ; A17 20188
National Category
Natural Sciences
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-33301 (URN)
Available from: 2018-02-22 Created: 2018-02-22 Last updated: 2018-08-16Bibliographically approved
Hox, K. (2017). Slokkeanlegg i kombinasjon med tidlig deteksjon i korridor.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Slokkeanlegg i kombinasjon med tidlig deteksjon i korridor
2017 (Norwegian)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [no]

Det er utviklet en testprotokoll basert på CEN/TS 14972:2011 og gjennomført en testserie for å teste detektorsystemer og forvarselsslokkeanlegg for bruk i korridorer som benyttes til opphenging av klær på skoler . Det er testet tre ulike detektorsystemer som har vist seg å fungere godt med de riktige innstillingene, men det er stor variasjon på deteksjonstid når innstillingene endres. Av slokkesystemene tilfredsstiller vanntåkesystemet fra Prevent Systems med Prev3exp-dyser og sprinkleranlegget fra Tyco med veggdyser av typen TY1334 kriteriene i testprotokollen.   Det er også gjennomført en fribranntest som viser hvor viktig det er å gjennomføre tiltak for å detektere og kontrollere brann i rømningsveier da forholdene i korridoren raskt gjør det vanskelig å rømme.

p. 29
RISE rapport ; A17 20282:1
National Category
Natural Sciences
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-33296 (URN)
Available from: 2018-02-22 Created: 2018-02-22 Last updated: 2018-08-16Bibliographically approved
Hox, K. & Sæter Bøe, A. (2017). Slokkemetoder med lite vann.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Slokkemetoder med lite vann
2017 (Norwegian)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [no]

SP Fire Research har i samarbeid med Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap (DSB), Regionalt forskningsfond Midt-Norge og Norsk brannbefals landsforbund (NBLF), utført et prosjekt for å få en bedre kunnskapsoversikt over nye slokkeverktøy både med hensyn på effekt, og hvor utbredt de er. Gjennom ulike aktiviteter kan prosjektet konkludere med følgende:Resultater fra en spørreundersøkelse avdekker at brannvesen i Norge har god kjennskap til nye slokkeverktøy, som CAFS og skjærslokker, men de blir i liten grad benyttet. Dette kan til en viss grad knyttes opp mot utilstrekkelig opplæring og manglende erfaring med utstyret. Videre indikerer tester at utvendig slokkeinnsats kan senke temperaturen i et brannrom betydelig, og eventuelt slokke brannen, dersom denne innsatsen blir utført i nærheten av brannen. Skjærslokkeren ble vurdert til å være det beste alternativet for å håndtere hulromsbranner. Resultatene viser også at det er mulig å designe gode testmetoder for å sammenligne ulike slokkerverktøy.

p. 150
SPFR-rapport ; A17 20099-01:1
National Category
Natural Sciences
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-33294 (URN)
Available from: 2018-02-22 Created: 2018-02-22 Last updated: 2024-04-09
Storesund, K., Hox, K., Steen-Hansen, A., Sesseng, C. & Ishol, H. M. (2017). Utredning i forbindelse med brannvesenets dimensjonering.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Utredning i forbindelse med brannvesenets dimensjonering
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2017 (Norwegian)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [no]

Denne rapporten er utarbeidet på oppdrag fra Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap (DSB). DSB har bedt RISE Fire Research om å bistå med evalueringer i forbindelse med utarbeidelse av forslag til revidert forskrift for organisering og dimensjonering av brann- og redningsvesenet.   Prosjektet har hatt som målsetting å evaluere spesifikke problemstillinger relatert til: 1. Responstid og innsatstid 2. Dimensjonering av beredskap a. Størrelse på samlet innsatsstyrke samt oppmøte b. Vaktberedskap – dagkasernering  3. Dimensjonering av beredskap – vaktlag og støttestyrke med hensyn til såkalt "fremskutt enhet"

p. 57
RISE rapport ; A17 20323:2
National Category
Natural Sciences
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-33297 (URN)
Available from: 2018-02-22 Created: 2018-02-22 Last updated: 2023-05-09Bibliographically approved
Hox, K. & Baker, G. (2016). Full-scale fire test of CLT structure for student housing. In: Interflam 2016: Conference Proceedings. Paper presented at 14th International Conference and Exhibition on Fire Science and Engineering (Interflam 2016), July 4-6, 2016, Windsor, UK (pp. 1087-1094). Interscience Communications
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Full-scale fire test of CLT structure for student housing
2016 (English)In: Interflam 2016: Conference Proceedings, Interscience Communications, 2016, p. 1087-1094Conference paper, Published paper (Other academic)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Interscience Communications, 2016
National Category
Natural Sciences
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-729 (URN)
14th International Conference and Exhibition on Fire Science and Engineering (Interflam 2016), July 4-6, 2016, Windsor, UK
Available from: 2016-07-13 Created: 2016-07-13 Last updated: 2020-12-01Bibliographically approved

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