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Engström, J., Kihlstedt, A., Pettersson, O., Jacobsson, E., Björnsson, L.-H., Jansson, J. & Andersson, H. S. (2024). Modulärt batteribytessystem för arbetsmaskiner – slutrapport. RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
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2024 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

Modular battery swap system for work machines

The project has developed and demonstrated how a modular battery swap system can be used in electric work machines in various industries. The purpose of the project was to demonstrate innovative technology where battery swap technology enables battery-powered machines in agriculture and forestry. The project has completed the following:

1. Designed and built a modular battery pack for work machines

2. Designed and built an automatic battery swap station

3. Completed a prototype for an autonomous electric agricultural machine

4. Electrically converted a machine for forestry

We have succeeded in creating a working battery swap concept. The concept has been shown at several different demo events. The project has received a lot of positive publicity in the media. The project creates opportunities to run work machines in agriculture and forestry without the batteries needing to be unnecessarily large, heavy and expensive to carry with the machine in the field.

Building electrified work machines is not a big deal. What is new in this project is that we demonstrate a battery replacement system for work machines - that works in real life!

The project group has worked hard together for two years and achieved brilliant results that we are very pleased with. As expected, it took some time to agree on a concept for the common component battery pack, but once it was set, work took off.

In the project, we have built seven battery packs, two electric work machines and a battery swap station including electrical system, control system and other adaptations. This would not have been possible without a dedicated and very talented project group!

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, 2024. p. 44
RISE Rapport ; 2023:104
Battery swap, electric, work machine, agriculture, forestry, automatic battery swap
National Category
Mechanical Engineering
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-73785 (URN)978-91-89821-84-2 (ISBN)
Available from: 2024-06-27 Created: 2024-06-27 Last updated: 2024-06-27Bibliographically approved
Rönnqvist, M., Frisk, M., Flisberg, P., Casimir, J., Engström, J., Hansson, E. & Kihlstedt, A. (2023). Collaboration and optimization in farmland exchanges. International Transactions in Operational Research, 30(4), 1591-1616
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2023 (English)In: International Transactions in Operational Research, ISSN 0969-6016, E-ISSN 1475-3995, Vol. 30, no 4, p. 1591-1616Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

To keep businesses competitive in world markets, the number of farms in most countries is decreasing while farm size is increasing, and parcels making up the farm area are extremely fragmented. It is common for farms to expand faster than available arable land near the farm center, leading to longer distances between the farm center and field areas. Consequently, logistic costs increase and affect the farm's profitability and the environment. Moreover, there is often substantial overlap between different farms, which implies that it is possible for farmers to collaborate with each other. We developed and proposed three optimization models to describe different levels of collaboration and sharing restrictions. Many practical considerations need to be weighed, such as the soil type and crops used. We collected detailed information on farms, parcels, and cost drivers in seven large instances for our case study in Sweden. One instance had 1431 farms and 32,091 parcels with 96 crop types. The resulting optimization models were very large; special pre-processing and optimization techniques were developed for their solutions. The theoretical potential for collaboration in logistic cost reduction was very large, ranging from approximately 10% to 50% depending on the form of the collaboration. Because a large part of costs comes from less use of diesel for transport resources, the reduction in cost is directly related to a reduction in CO2 emissions. © 2022 The Authors. International Transactions in Operational Research

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2023
agriculture, environment, integer programming, land development, logistics, natural resources, practice of OR, Cost reduction, Crops, International trade, % reductions, Arable land, Farm size, Integer Program- ming, Logistic costs, Optimisations, World market
National Category
Energy Engineering
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-59250 (URN)10.1111/itor.13145 (DOI)2-s2.0-85128655560 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2022-05-23 Created: 2022-05-23 Last updated: 2024-03-15Bibliographically approved
Engström, J., Gunnarsson, C., Kihlstedt, A., Assmundson, V. & Göthe, J. (2019). Maskinnyckeltal för ett effektivare jordbruk.
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2019 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [sv]

I denna rapport presenteras ett av tre områden för att effektivisera jordbrukets logistik som undersökts i projektet ”Energieffektivisering av Jordbrukets logistik - fördjupning och utveckling” som har arbetat vidare på resultat från ett tidigare pilotprojekt om energieffektivisering av jordbrukets transporter. De tre områdena är, (1) skiftning av åkermark (2) planeringsverktyg för att simulera, planera och optimera logistikarbetet på gården (3) nyckeltal för logistikarbetet på gårdsnivå för att sporra till effektivisering. Alla tre bedöms som viktiga delar i arbetet med att effektivisera och minska energiåtgång och klimatpåverkan från jordbrukets transporter och i förlängningen livsmedelsproduktionen.

I denna rapport har möjligheter att effektivisera maskinanvändningen på jordbruksföretag genom att använda kartläggning och nyckeltal undersökts. Detta har gjorts genom att maskinanvändning på tre gårdar loggats. Dessa gårdar var att betrakta som medelstora gårdar med svenska mått mätt och har olika produktionsinriktningar.

Loggning genomfördes av dieselförbrukning och tidsåtgång för totalt nio maskiner på tre gårdar. Loggningsutrustningen kopplades till maskinernas CAN-bus och data laddades ner till Drivecs molntjänst via mobilt bredband. Loggning skedde också av GPS-data där maskinerna befann sig vid en viss tidpunkt och dessa refererades till olika skiften, inomgårdsområden, transportvägar och även t.ex. snöröjning eller annan entreprenadverksamhet.

Ur dessa data beräknades nyckeltal manuellt fram för dieselförbrukning och tidsåtgång per gröda, fält och aktivitet. Nyckeltalen svarade mot vad lantbrukarna efterfrågade. För att vara rättvisande och heltäckande behöver loggningen vara mer tillförlitlig och inkludera alla maskiner i växtodlingen. En slutsats var att loggning och nyckeltalsberäkning måste ske helt automatiskt för att fylla en funktion och dessutom behöver nyckeltalet ha metadata som beskriver vad det beskriver, hur det samlats in och hur representativt det är.

I projektet undersöktes också vilka möjligheter det fanns till att skicka denna information automatiskt från Drivecs system till LRF Konsults Digital Bonde och där integreras med ekonomiska data.

Ytterligare forskning behövs för att nyttiggöra resultaten från detta projekt. Det behövs också målinriktat arbete med både vidareutveckling och kunskapsspridning till jordbrukare.

Abstract [en]

The work presented in this report is one of three different areas of improving the efficiency of agricultural logistics that have been investigated in the project ”Energieffektivisering av Jordbrukets logistik - fördjupning och utveckling”. The three areas are, 1) Shifting of arable land (2) Planning tool for simulating, planning and optimizing logistical work on the farm (3) KPIs for logistics work at farm level to spur efficiency. All three areas are considered to be important parts in the work of reducing energy consumption and climate impact from agricultural transports and in food production.

In this report KPIs has been investigated by logging of machine activities on three farms. These farms were medium-sized with different production. Logging of diesel consumption and time required was carried out for a total of nine tractors on three farms. The logging equipment was connected to the tractors' CAN bus and data was downloaded to Drivec's cloud service via mobile broadband. Logging was also done by GPS data where the tractors were at a certain point in time and these were referred to different fields, farm centre areas, transport routes and for example areas where entrepreneurial work such as snow removal is performed.

From these data, KPIs were calculated manually for diesel consumption and time consumption per crop, field and activity. The KPIs corresponded to what the farmers wanted but in order to be useful, logging needs to be more reliable and include all machines and activities in the plant production. One conclusion was that in order to utilize KPIs as a driver for change, the logging and KPI calculations must be done automatically and in addition, the KPIs calculated needs to have metadata that describes, for example, how representative the KPI is.

The project also investigated the possibilities for sending this information automatically from Drivec's system to LRF Konsult's Digital Bonde and to integrate it with economic data.

Further research activities are needed in order to implement the results from this project. Targeted work is needed with both further development and dissemination to farmers.

p. 30
Energy efficiency, logistics, agriculture, farm machinery, resource planning
National Category
Engineering and Technology
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-42264 (URN)978-91-88907-72-1 (ISBN)
Available from: 2019-12-17 Created: 2019-12-17 Last updated: 2024-03-15
Engström, J., Fröberg, J., Frisk, M., Kihlstedt, A. & Rönnqvist, E. (2019). Planeringssystem för ett effektivare jordbruk.
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2019 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

The work presented in this report is one of three different areas of improving the efficiency of agricultural logistics that have been investigated in the project ”Energieffektivisering av Jordbrukets logistik - fördjupning och utveckling”. The three areas are, 1) Shifting of arable land (2) Planning tool for simulating, planning and optimizing logistical work on the farm (3) KPIs for logistics work at farm level to spur efficiency. All three areas are considered important parts in the work of reducing energy consumption and climate impact from agricultural transports and in food production.

More efficient agricultural logistics can be achieved through better planning and coordination of all activities throughout the production process. This improved planning then requires decision support to get a holistic grip on the interacting parts of the process. In this report, we have begun the work to investigate how farmers can make agriculture more efficient by having access to good and simple planning and simulation systems, thereby reducing energy consumption and costs at farm level.

We have made a review of which systems (for plant cultivation) that are available on the market today (with focus on the Swedish market) and identified shortcomings, gaps and needs for continued development. We have also in a case study exemplified the decisions a farmer make, and which tools are used. In the longer term, the aim is to have tools for simulation, planning and optimization of logistics for agriculture.

There are many applications for planning, control and monitoring of agriculture activities on the market, but no purely logistics planning tools. Many of the tools available on the market are de facto not decision support, but rather business support, where the user can fill in the business conditions and to some extent follow the development during the year. For the applications to provide real decision support, they need to be more intelligent by being able to analyze large amounts of data smarter, make simulations of different scenarios and make assessments on plans. Internationally, the range of programs, apps and other IT support for agriculture management is very large, but the gaps are mainly the same. However, it is not easy to apply an internationally developed tool to Swedish conditions and regulations.

p. 25
RISE Rapport ; 2019:44
National Category
Engineering and Technology
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-42261 (URN)978-91-88907-71-4 (ISBN)
Available from: 2019-12-17 Created: 2019-12-17 Last updated: 2024-03-15
Casimir, J., Engström, J., Flisberg, P., Hansson, E., Kihlstedt, A. & Rönnqvist, M. (2019). Skiftning av åkermark för ett effektivare jordbruk.
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2019 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [sv]

Antalet gårdar i Sverige minskar medan deras storlek ökar för att kunna hålla verksamheten konkurrenskraftig på marknaden. En vanlig situation är att gården vill expandera snabbare än det finns tillgänglig mark nära gårdscentrum. Detta leder till att gården får längre avstånd till sin åkermark. Detta extra avstånd har en kostnad, både för gårdens lönsamhet och för miljön.

En föregående pilotstudie studerade kostnaden för transport av skörd och stallgödsel (spannmål, vall och stallgödsel). Studien visade att kostnader för transporter blir minst halverad om man byter till mark som ligger närmare gården. Denna studie studerade endast fyra gårdar, och inkluderade inte sociala aspekter.

Detta fortsättningsprojekt syftar till att få en bättre insikt i de tekniska (geografiska) och även sociala faktorer kopplade till markbyte. Den tekniska delen av projektet innebär utveckling av ett verktyg för att 1) räkna avstånd mellan gårdscentrum och fält i hela Sverige, 2) identifiera bästa matchningar för markbyte mellan gårdar, och därmed minimera avstånd mellan gårdscentrum och fält, och 3) uppskatta potentiella besparingar av drivmedel och kostnader kopplade till markbyte.

Våra resultat visar att verktyget ger ett stabilt underlag som beslutstöd. Däremot behövs mer studier för att komma överens om det bästa sättet att implementera verktyget i Sverige, särskilt angående ägarskap, affärsmodell och utveckling av nya funktioner. Den teoretiska potentialen för markbyte mellan två gårdar är uppskattad till 12,4 %.

Den sociala delen av projektet undersökte lantbrukares attityder till markbyte. I semi-strukturerade intervjuer med lantbrukare, och seminarium med andra intressenter, undersökte vi hinder, förutsättningar, samt potential för implementering av verktyget. Våra resultat visar att verktyget var positivt mottaget men att det finns fler faktorer att ta hänsyn till t.ex. jordart, odlingsmetod och förtroende.

Abstract [en]

The number of farms in Sweden is decreasing while the size is increasing as most farms grow bigger in areal in order to remain competitive on the market. However, this situation set pressure on farmers looking to expand. It is rare for farmers to find available land close to their farm and therefore start to cultivate land further away. The extra distance has a cost, both for the farmers’ profitability and for the environment. Previous study looked at four particular farms focusing on the cost related to the harvest (cereal or forage). By simulating an exchange of land to closer ones, the cost for transport of the harvest was at least halved in the four cases. The study looked mostly at the technical aspect and included only the four cases.

Therefore, this project aims to have a broader perspective, both in term of geography and also by looking at the social factors related to land exchange. During the project, a tool has been developed to calculate on a national level the distance between each field and the farm cultivating it. The tool is also used to minimise the distance between field and farm by allowing fields to be exchanged between farmers. Moreover, the tool has been used to estimate the potential for diesel use and cost reduction related to land exchange. Using the tool as ground for discussion, semi-structured interviews have been performed with farmers to understand the hinders and driving forces for land exchange between each other. During these interviews, the potential for implementing the tool was also discussed.

The theoretical potential if limiting the exchange of land only between two parties at a time would be 12.4 %. Moreover, this number would decrease when considering the practical and social barriers such as the soil characteristics, the different cultivation methods (organic/conventional, no-till) and trust between farmers.

The development of an application for optimal land exchange will require not only a robust model for distance calculation and optimization of land exchange but also a well-developed and user-friendly interface. Depending on how the application will be used, by single farmers or by consultants and advisers, different versions of an application may be required.

The tool developed during the project has been positively received both by farmers during the interviews and also by other stakeholders during the concluding seminar. It gives a solid basis and acts as decision support tool. More is needed to agree on the best way to implement it in Sweden, in particular looking at the ownership, business model, and the development of new functions.

RISE Rapport ; 2019:43
Energy efficiency, energy use, logistics, optimization, crop production, farm, agriculture, land exchange
National Category
Engineering and Technology
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-42265 (URN)
Available from: 2019-12-17 Created: 2019-12-17 Last updated: 2024-03-15
Engström, J. & Lagnelöv, O. (2017). Batteridriven autonom jordbruksmaskin: Simulering av maskinaktiviteter på en svensk gård. Uppsala
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Batteridriven autonom jordbruksmaskin: Simulering av maskinaktiviteter på en svensk gård
2017 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

In the project "Concept study battery-powered autonomous agricultural machine", an electric autonomous agricultural machine has been compared with a conventional diesel tractor by simulating all machine activities in a field on an organic dairy farm of 200 hectares during one year. Combine Harvesting was not included. The results show that it is possible to replace a conventional tractor (160 kW) with two autonomous battery-powered machines (36 kW motor, 113 kWh battery) with 15% lower costs. Even better, energy consumption was reduced by 58% and greenhouse gas emissions by 92% compared to diesel when energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from battery manufacturing were included. Furthermore local emissions were avoided and the sound pollution greatly reduced.  The major efficiency increase can be explained by the higher efficiency of electric power drivelines, and that the Swedish and Nordic electricity mix has very low greenhouse gas emissions and environmental impact. We also see that the weight of the conventional diesel tractor is more than four times the weight of the autonomous battery-powered, and that's only the tractor without any implements or payload. In the sensitivity calculations, changes in the cost of implements or driver / operator costs have the greatest impact on the total price. It is also important not to have a charger with low power, while the battery price does not have such big impact on the total cost. Continued research is needed to verify the theoretical simulation by building a test platform where knowledge can be gathered about the problems and opportunities in practical work - both in the field of battery-electric operation and autonomous driving.

Abstract [sv]

I projektet ”Konceptstudie batteridriven autonom jordbruksmaskin” har användningen av en eldriven autonom jordbruksmaskin jämförts med en konventionell dieseltraktor genom simulering för alla maskinaktiviteter i fält på en ekologisk mjölkgård med 200 ha åker under ett år. Tröskning, som alltid sker med hjälp av dieseldrivna skörde­tröskor, ingick inte i jämförelsen.

Resultaten visar att det är möjligt att på den simulerade gården ersätta en konventionell traktor (160 kW) med två autonoma batteridrivna maskiner (36 kW motor, 113 kWh batteri) till 15 % lägre kostnader. Men framför allt minskas energianvändningen med 58 % och växthusgasutsläppen med 92 % jämfört med diesel om energianvändning och växthusgasutsläpp vid batteritillverkning inkluderas i beräkningen, och svensk elmix används för laddning och produktion av batteriet. Utöver detta försvinner de lokala emissionerna helt och ljudet minskar kraftigt. Den stora effektiviseringen kan förklaras med den högre verkningsgraden i eldrivlinor, samt att svensk elmix har väldigt låga växthusgasutsläpp och miljöpåverkan.

Vi ser också att vikten hos den konventionella dieselmaskinen är mer är fyra gånger så stor som för den batteridrivna, och det är för enbart traktorn utan redskap eller nyttolast. Lägre vikt innebär minskad risk för skadlig markpackning som är ett stort problem i dagens jordbruk. I känslighetsberäkningar har förändringar i kostnader för redskap eller förare/operatör störst inverkan, medan batteripriset inte har så stor betydelse.

Fortsatt forskning behövs för att verifiera den teoretiska simuleringen genom att bygga en maskin i form av en testplattform där kunskap kan samlas om vilka problem och möjligheter som finns i praktiskt arbete – både vad gäller batterielektrisk drift och autonom körning. Det finns också en stor ekonomisk potential i att hitta affärsmodeller som ökar utnyttjandet av maskinen, batterier och laddstation som i det simulerade scenariot används liten del av året.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Uppsala: , 2017. p. 65
SP Rapport, ISSN 0284-5172 ; 2017:27
autonomous, agriculture, electric, battery, tractor, farming, fossil free, sustainable, Elfordon, batteridrivet, autonom, förarlös, simulering, traktor, jordbruk, fossilfri, energieffektiv
National Category
Agricultural Science
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-31284 (URN)
Swedish Energy Agency, 42619-1
Available from: 2017-09-25 Created: 2017-09-25 Last updated: 2018-08-20Bibliographically approved
Lycken, A., Torstensson, E., Engström, J., Lagnelöv, O. & Söderberg, A. (2017). Förarlösa virkestruckar – en förstudie. Stockholm
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Förarlösa virkestruckar – en förstudie
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2017 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)
Alternative title[en]
Autonomous sawmill forklifts – a pilot study
Abstract [en]

This pilot study was initiated by the sawmill industry and aims to investigate the

possibility of introducing autonomous vehicles in the form of forklift trucks for

handling of timber packages at sawmills.

The report presents the various levels of definition of autonomous vehicles, and in

which activities we now can find examples of vehicles with varying degrees of autonomy.

Various technical solutions to enable navigation and security for autonomous

vehicles are presented as well as the security requirements of autonomous vehicles in

different situations.

To exemplify today’s and tomorrow’s use of forklifts, a sawmill’s package management

is described, and a scenario for autonomous trucks is presented. Under that scenario,

today’s six trucks are replaced with three or four driverless trucks. A brief economic

calculation is made, describing the economic potential of driverless trucks. It shows

that autonomous forklifts may be permitted to cost significantly more than conventional

forklifts after the external security systems are installed, and still be profitable.

The reason is mainly the personnel costs associated with running conventional forklifts.

In conclusion, autonomous vehicles can be realized in the relatively near future in

many industries. The sawmill industry is also expected to take advantage of the ongoing

research and development. It is not least the economic parameters that weigh heavily

pro an introduction of autonomous forklift trucks, while safety precautions can be a


An intermediate step towards fully driverless forklift trucks can be a semi-autonomous

solution, where the driver / operator manage a plurality of trucks by telemetry with

manual assistance only when

Abstract [sv]

Denna förstudie har initierats av sågverksindustrin och syftar till att undersöka förutsättningarna

för att introducera förarlösa gaffeltruckar för hantering av virkespaket på


I rapporten presenteras de olika nivåerna för definition av autonoma fordon samt i

vilka verksamheter man i dag kan hitta exempel på fordon med olika grad av autonomi.

Vidare presenteras olika tekniska lösningar för att möjliggöra navigation och säkerhet

för autonoma fordon, samt vilka säkerhetskrav som ställs på autonoma fordon i olika


För att exemplifiera dagens och morgondagens truckanvändning beskrivs ett sågverks

pakethantering i dagsläget, och utgående från det visas ett scenario för autonoma

truckar. Enligt det scenariot kan dagens sex truckar ersättas med tre till fyra förarlösa

truckar. En kort ekonomisk bedömning, som beskriver den ekonomiska potentialen

med förarlösa truckar, presenteras. Den visar att autonoma truckar kan få kosta betydligt

mer än en traditionell truck och ändå vara lönsamma, främst beroende på att

personalkostnaderna minskar. Beräkningen tar inte hänsyn till installation av eventuella

yttre säkerhetssystem.

Sammanfattningsvis konstateras att autonoma fordon troligen kan förverkligas inom

en tämligen nära framtid inom många branscher. Även sågverksindustrin förväntas dra

fördel av den forskning och utveckling som pågår. Det är inte minst de ekonomiska

parametrarna som väger tungt för en introduktion av autonoma gaffeltruckar, medan

säkerhetsaspekterna kan upplevas utmanande.

Ett mellansteg på väg mot helt förarlösa truckar kan vara en semiautonom lösning, där

föraren/operatören sköter ett flertal truckar på distans med manuell assistans endast

då truckarna skall utföra svårare moment, som lastning och lossning.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Stockholm: , 2017. p. 28
SP Rapport, ISSN 0284-5172 ; 2017:18
autonomous, forklifts, packages, safety, sawmills
National Category
Robotics and automation
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-32798 (URN)
Available from: 2017-11-29 Created: 2017-11-29 Last updated: 2025-02-09Bibliographically approved
Lagnelöv, O., Engström, J., Zachau, H. P., Bourghardt, R., Wihinen, K., Hannukainen, P., . . . Lagunoff, G. (2016). Concept solution for electric modular utility vehicles for urban and rural areas – Electric Multipurpose Operating Vehicle (E-Move).
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Concept solution for electric modular utility vehicles for urban and rural areas – Electric Multipurpose Operating Vehicle (E-Move)
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2016 (English)Report (Other academic)
p. 46
JTI Project Report
National Category
Natural Sciences
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-27765 (URN)
Available from: 2017-01-04 Created: 2017-01-04 Last updated: 2020-12-01
Lagnelöv, O. & Engström, J. (2015). Bättre arbetsmiljö med Head Up Display: som visuellt hjälpmedel i traktor.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Bättre arbetsmiljö med Head Up Display: som visuellt hjälpmedel i traktor
2015 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)
p. 28
JTI rapport Lantbruk och industri, ISSN 1401-4963 ; R440
National Category
Agricultural Sciences
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-27751 (URN)
Available from: 2017-01-04 Created: 2017-01-04 Last updated: 2020-12-01
Engström, J., Gunnarsson, C., Baky, A., Sindhöj, E., Eksvärd, J., Orvendal, J. & Sjöholm, N. (2015). Energieffektivisering av jordbrukets logistik - pilotprojekt för att undersöka potentialer.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Energieffektivisering av jordbrukets logistik - pilotprojekt för att undersöka potentialer
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2015 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)
p. 106
JTI rapport Lantbruk och industri, ISSN 1401-4963 ; R441
National Category
Agricultural Sciences
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-27749 (URN)
Available from: 2017-01-04 Created: 2017-01-04 Last updated: 2023-11-22

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