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2016 (English)In: Refrigeration Science and Technology, 2016, p. 391-398Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]
In a supermarket setting, customers likely feel the chilled air from refrigerated units displaying their contents to passing customers. Supermarkets, by their nature, contain a diverse range of perishable goods stored in different designed units within one large building, whose distinct storage temperatures result in the unusual thermal environment that customers encounter when shopping. Unfortunately, this open environment results in huge amounts of wasted cold air from display units, the reduction of thermal comfort for customers, and a reduction in the quality of the food. A possible solution to improve comfort for customers, reduce cold air waste, help preserve foods, and save money for retailers includes innovative doors for open display cabinets. Such doors will save money for the retailer by lowering the costs for energy in supermarkets. Doors should, therefore, be viewed as an option and solution for not only the merchandiser, but also for the customer.
Environment, Food, Quality, Retail, Supermarket, Thermal comfort, Chains, Food products, IIR filters, Image quality, Retail stores, Sustainable development, Display cabinet, Open environment, Perishable goods, Storage temperatures, Thermal environment, Sales
National Category
Natural Sciences
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-27671 (URN)10.18462/iir.iccc.2016.0051 (DOI)2-s2.0-84975886042 (Scopus ID)9782362150142 (ISBN)
4th IIR International Conference on Sustainability and the Cold Chain, April 7-9, 2016, Auckland, New Zealand
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2016-12-222016-12-212024-03-25Bibliographically approved