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Fridén, A., Matteoni, M., Åhlberg, J., Johansson, N., Diener, D., Månsson, A., . . . Öhman, T. (2024). Strategiska teknikområden för Sverige: Resultat, insikter och rekommendationer från undersökningar och framsynsarbete under våren och sommaren 2024. RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Strategiska teknikområden för Sverige: Resultat, insikter och rekommendationer från undersökningar och framsynsarbete under våren och sommaren 2024
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2024 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [sv]

Blickar man bakåt i historien har tekniksprång ofta skett inom specifika områden såsom ångkraft, elektricitet och informationsteknologi. Dagens teknikutveckling skiljer sig genom parallella genombrott inom flera områden som digitalisering, bioteknik, nya material och additiv tillverkning.

Därför har nationell förmåga att strategiskt förstå nyttan med och användning av ny teknik och innovation, deras roll i system, liksom förmågan att möjliggöra tillämpning och uppskalning blivit alltmer avgörande för att konsolidera och vidareutveckla både privat och offentlig verksamhet. Detta inkluderar både ny teknik och innovation, liksom att befintlig teknik tillämpas på nya sätt eller i nya kombinationer.

Sverige har länge haft en stark position inom teknisk innovation och toppar ofta internationella rankningar. Denna rapport syftar till att synliggöra aspekter som är viktiga att beakta för att identifiera och arbeta med teknikområden som är av strategiskt vikt för Sverige.

Abstract [en]

Strategic technology areas for Sweden - Results, insights, and recommendations from studies and foresight work during the spring and summer of 2024

Change is constant, but this time it’s far from 'business as usual'

Several emerging technologies have the potential, either individually or together, to reshape society in ways that are hard to imagine today. Never in history has the world faced so many simultaneous breakthroughs in transformative technologies. The countries that succeed in navigating this change will gain a significant competitive edge. Identifying areas of strategic importance for Sweden is a key piece of the puzzle. At the same time, it’s equally crucial to allow for flexibility over time and to treat this as a continuous process, based on collaboration between the public and private sectors.

When discussing emerging technologies, the term General Purpose Technologies (GPT) is sometimes used. This term refers to technologies with the potential to affect and transform a wide range of sectors across society. GPTs stand apart from other technological developments because of their broad and profound impact on both society and the economy. While other technologies often specialise in and impact specific sectors, GPTs have a much more far-reaching and versatile effect. Electricity and the internet are prime examples of GPTs.

RISE has identified four key insights on what is required at a national level to manage the transformative changes driven by technological development.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, 2024. p. 104
RISE Rapport ; 2024:73
National Category
Other Engineering and Technologies
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-75912 (URN)978-91-89971-34-9 (ISBN)

Inom ramen för utlysningen "Strategiska projekt inom Framtidsområden 2024" beviljades RISE anslag av Vinnova för att i ett projekt testa hur framsynsmetodik och framtidsbilder kan bidra till att ta fram nationella prioriteringar och strategier.

Available from: 2024-10-16 Created: 2024-10-16 Last updated: 2024-10-16Bibliographically approved
Mellquist, A.-C., Miltell, M. & Johansson, N. (2022). De branschvisa färdplanerna för fossilfrihet – innovationspotential och systemanalys.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>De branschvisa färdplanerna för fossilfrihet – innovationspotential och systemanalys
2022 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [sv]

Detta är en rapport framtagen av RISE kunskapsplattform Climate Opportunity Accellerator (COA) som ska höja kunskapen om behovet av ett systemperspektiv i klimatomställningen. Rapporten beskriver en innovationsanalys av färdplanerna för fossilfri konurennskraft framtagna inom ramen för Fossilfritt Sverige. Analysen har använt sig av 1.5°C Compatability Pathfinder Framework från Mission Innovation.

p. 30 + bilagor
RISE Rapport ; 2022:41
fossil-free, fossil-free roadmaps, roadmap, roadmaps, fossil-free Sweden, system perspective, innovation, analysis. innovation analysis, climate, mission innovation, fossilfrihet, fossilfria färdplaner, färdplan, färdplaner, fossilfritt sverige, innovation, analys, innovationsanalys, systemperspektiv, klimat, mission innovation
National Category
Climate Research Economics and Business
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-58803 (URN)978-91-89561-79-3 (ISBN)
Available from: 2022-03-15 Created: 2022-03-15 Last updated: 2023-05-26Bibliographically approved
Fahnestock, J., Norström, M., Johnson, A., Olsson, M., Johansson, N., Brolin, M., . . . Östling, H. (2016). RISEnergy: Roadmaps for energy innovation in Sweden through 2030.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>RISEnergy: Roadmaps for energy innovation in Sweden through 2030
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2016 (English)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

RISE Research Institutes of Sweden is a group of research and technology organisations. RISE is a leading innovation partner working global cooperation with academia, enterprise and society to create value, growth and competitiveness through research excellence and innovation.

In the area of Energy, RISE has developed innovation Roadmaps covering:

  • Energy Efficient Transport
  • Electric Power System
  • Energy Efficient and Smart Buildings
  • Sustainable Thermal Processes
  • Efficient Energy Use in Industry
  • Decarbonisation of Basic Industries

These Roadmaps describe development pathways for technologies, non-technical elements (market design, user behaviours, policies, etc.) and key actors that deliver on a plausible, desirable vision for each respective innovation area in 2030. These Roadmaps are intended to support RISE’s strategic planning and development, but should be relevant reading for anyone interested in energy innovation in Sweden.

p. 102
energy, innovation, roadmap, research, institutes, transport, buildings, power, electricity, industry, efficiency, thermal processes, ccs, ccus, decarbonisation, Energi, innovation, roadmap, forskning, institut, transport, byggnader, kraftstystem, el, industri, effektivisering, termiska processer, ccs, ccus, avkarbonisering
National Category
Energy Systems
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-28181 (URN)
Available from: 2017-02-15 Created: 2017-02-15 Last updated: 2024-07-28Bibliographically approved
Hjalmarsson, A., Johansson, N. & Rudmark, D. (2015). Mind the gap: Exploring stakeholders' value with open data assessment. In: 2015 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences: . Paper presented at 48th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2015), Kanuary 5-8, 2015, Kauai, US (pp. 1314-1323). , Article ID 7069968.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Mind the gap: Exploring stakeholders' value with open data assessment
2015 (English)In: 2015 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2015, p. 1314-1323, article id 7069968Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

There is an ongoing movement in society to provide open data as an enabler for innovation and growth. As more data is passed on beyond organizational borders to trigger third party development of services, the expectations on what could be developed using open data increase. Developers have been observed to express frustration over different challenges in the wake of open data provision, such as localization issues, lack of quality in data etc. Knowledge and tools are missing to assess available open data. This absence risks ensuring continual improvement of open data markets and the management of hampering gaps between developers' requests of data and data providers' provision of data. This paper explores the benefits with open data assessment based on an exploratory single case research design.

Case study, Open data, Open data assessment, Open data markets, Open data services, Open datum, Research designs, Third-party development, Commerce
National Category
Natural Sciences
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-37072 (URN)10.1109/HICSS.2015.160 (DOI)2-s2.0-84944270832 (Scopus ID)978-1-4799-7367-5 (ISBN)
48th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2015), Kanuary 5-8, 2015, Kauai, US
Available from: 2019-01-21 Created: 2019-01-21 Last updated: 2023-05-26Bibliographically approved
Johansson, N. (2013). Smart mobility through multi-level innovation. In: 20th ITS World Congress Tokyo 2013: . Paper presented at 20th Intelligent Transport Systems World Congress, ITS 2013; Tokyo; Japan; 14 October 2013 through 18 October 2013. Intelligent Transportation Society of America
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Smart mobility through multi-level innovation
2013 (English)In: 20th ITS World Congress Tokyo 2013, Intelligent Transportation Society of America , 2013Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

A number of areas within the North Sea Region are located at a distance from the main economic agglomerations of their countries and lag behind in terms of socio-economic development. Key elements in development are connectivity and accessibility. In line with the European Commission strategy document "A sustainable Future for Transport - towards an integrated technology-led and user-friendly system", the ITRACT (Improving Transport and Accessibility through new Communication Technologies) project aims to improve those capacities through innovative transport and communication concepts. Contributing also to the Digital Agenda of Europe 2020, the project will focus on the development and use of ICT applications to boost efficient, environmental- and user-friendly transport concepts in order to reverse the spiral of decline in remote areas.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Intelligent Transportation Society of America, 2013
Digital services, Multi-level innovation, Smart mobility, Economics, Intelligent systems, Traffic control, Communication technologies, European Commission, Integrated technologies, Key elements, Multilevels, Socio-economic development, User friendly, Transportation
National Category
Engineering and Technology
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-48689 (URN)2-s2.0-84930187086 (Scopus ID)
20th Intelligent Transport Systems World Congress, ITS 2013; Tokyo; Japan; 14 October 2013 through 18 October 2013
Available from: 2020-09-18 Created: 2020-09-18 Last updated: 2023-05-26Bibliographically approved

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