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Castillo, Maria del PilarORCID iD
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Publications (10 of 26) Show all publications
Tamm, D., Elving, J., Bergström-Nilsson, S., Parvage, M., Emmoth, E., Castillo, M. d. & Melin, P. (2024). Hygienisering i biogasanläggningar – Förslag till fler nationella standardmetoder. RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
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2024 (English)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

Hygienisation at biogas plants – Proposal for additional national standard methods To be able to merchandise manure or digestate, the material must be sanitized to en-sure infection control. Swedish biogas facilities today have the choice between using one of two standard methods (at least 1 h at 70 °C, or 10 h at 52 °C) or going through a costly validation process if using alternative parameters. The main aim of this project has been to increase the profitability in the handling of biofertilizers by developing ad-ditional approved national standard methods for hygienization and thereby simplify the validation process. To achieve this, we have conducted interviews with stakeholders to find out which hygienisation parameters are most interesting for them. We have also compared the situation in other European countries and quantitatively and qualitative-ly reviewed scientific studies considering hygiene and inactivation data of microorgan-isms. However, the largest part of the project was laboratory studies where we generat-ed novel inactivation data for the heat-tolerant bacterium Salmonella Senftenberg W775 at different temperatures and time intervals. The requirement for an approved hygienisation is a 5-log reduction of the bacteria. The choice of input parameters in the lab studies was based on literature as well as on the interviews where often preference for hygienization at lower temperature was expressed to save energy and to avoid the need to adapt the equipment to higher temperatures.

Another request that emerged from the interviews was that, in connection with empty-ing vessels, they want to avoid leaving bottom sediment for destruction, which is a cost-ly procedure. Therefore, we have investigated the inactivation data of the roundworm Ascaris suum using limestome combined with heat treatment.

Based on our results, we propose the establishment of the following methods as new Swedish national methods for hygienisation: 1. Heat treatment of substrate for 3.5 hours at 60 °C 3 2. Heat treatment of substrate for 1 hour at 65 °C 3 3. Heat treatment of pure, source-separated food waste for 1 hour at 52 °C 4. Addition of at least 5 mass-% of lime (CaO) to bottom sediment4, and ensuring a temperature of at least 65 °C for at least 15 minutes.

Our assessment and recommendation are that the Swedish regulating authority can use the data regarding proposed treatment methods to approve new or existing biogas plants without the need to carry out a complete validation process including in-situ killing trials.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, 2024. p. 69
RISE Rapport ; 2024:68
National Category
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-75668 (URN)978-91-89971-29-5 (ISBN)

Ett stort och varmt tack riktas också till finansiären Stiftelsen JTI och Avfall Sverige som gjorde det möjligt för oss att genomföra detta arbete.

Available from: 2024-10-01 Created: 2024-10-01 Last updated: 2025-02-07Bibliographically approved
Gunnarsson, C., Baky, A., Castillo, M. d., Eliasson, L., Fahrni, J., Gustafsson, T., . . . Xanthakis, E. (2022). Utvinning av högvärdiga komponenter för förbättrad värdekedja för vall till etanol och bioolja.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Utvinning av högvärdiga komponenter för förbättrad värdekedja för vall till etanol och bioolja
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2022 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)
Alternative title[en]
Extraction of high-value components for improved value chain for ley grass to ethanol and biooil
Abstract [en]

Grass-clover ley holds an importance role for a sustainable crop production and is mainly used as feed for ruminants. But ley also contains proteins, if extracted, suitable for monogastric animals such as pigs and poultry. If these proteins are extracted, the degree of self-sufficiency of proteins in Sweden can increase and better resource utilization is achieved. In this study we evaluated the utilization of fresh and ensiled grass-clover ley in a straw-based agricultural biorefinery for producing protein concentrate, ethanol, bio-oil and biogas.

Practical lab scale tests of extraction of high value components for food and feed applications from the liquid fraction after ley pressing were carried out. Pretreatments of the solid fraction prior to ethanol fermentation, bio-oil production using HTL (hydrothermal liquefaction) and biogas production were tested. The system for production and supply of the ley was described and the potential for increased ley production in Sweden was quantified. The environmental and economic efficiency of the proposed biorefinery system was evaluated using environmental systems analysis and technoeconomic assessment.

In terms of system profitability, a high protein yield in the extracted protein concentrate it is important. To achieve that, a thorough pre-treatment using mechanical biomass disintegration before fractioning is crucial. This may need to be done in several steps. Screw pressing is a common technique for fractionating ley into a liquid and solid fraction. Double pressing combined with enzymatic treatments or only water addition during the second pressing stage were found to increase the protein yield compared to single pressing. Second pressing had no effect on the amino acid profile of the protein concentrate.

After pressing fresh ley, heat coagulation or isoelectric precipitation can be used to precipitate protein concentrates in one- or two-step processes to produce protein fractions with different functional properties. Tests showed that it is possible to recover chlorophyll and carotenoids from the ley using supercritical carbon dioxide extraction. which is a suitable method for food applications as toxic organic solvents can be avoided. The ensiling process degrades the protein into smaller peptides or free amino acids which makes ensiled grass less suitable for protein recovery by heat coagulation or isoelectric precipitation. Fresh and ensiled timothy and meadow fescue showed a similar amino acid profile as soybeans.

The initial hypothesis that mechanical pressing may disintegrate the lignocellulosic structure of ley sufficiently to produce a sugar stream with a high concentration of sugar for further fermentation by enzymatic hydrolysis was not confirmed. The content of sugars released after the enzymatic hydrolysis was relatively low. The fibre fraction after the mechanical pressing can be suitable for ethanol production if an additional pretreatment method will be incorporated. Fermentation of pressed and steam-exploded ensiled mixed ley showed promising results. The bio-oils produced with the HTL-process were described of high quality, i.e., high carbon content and low ash content. Although, the obtained materials are not directly integrable in today's refineries, the ensiling did not seem to affect the material's potential for biofuel production. The methane potential tests that were carried out in the project of the liquid residual fraction after protein extraction and after the HTL process showed that both can be suitable for methane production, but they showed great behavior differences.

The results from the environmental system analysis showed that extraction of high-quality products from ley, straw and sawdust according to the studied system reduces climate impact (CO2 eq) when the use of ethanol, bio-oil and biogas replaces fossil fuels, protein concentrate replaces soy as feed and carbon dioxide replaces fossil carbon dioxide. At present, the climate impact from extracted protein concentrate is higher than for soybean meal. Grass source for protein extraction followed by ethanol and bio-oil production as an alternative to straw-based ethanol and bio-oil production did not seem to improve the profitability of the studied biorefinery system. Profitability may be improved if protein extraction is performed the whole all year and not seasonal. Higher prices of the extracted protein concentrate may also improve profitability.

The potential for increased grassland cultivation in Sweden for biorefining was estimated at approximately 3.4 million tonnes grass per year. This included incorporating grassland in the crop rotation in grain-dominated areas, intensification of existing grassland cultivation, utilization of fallow and abandoned arable land for grassland cultivation.

Based on the results and the experience acquired from this project, we suggest an extraction plant for grass-clover ley that operates for both fresh and ensiled grassland all year. The plant needs to be supplemented with more advanced technologies such as membrane filtration for the extraction of amino acids from the ensiled ley during the winter season. The protein extraction plants should be located near farms. The extraction plant is also suggested to be located together with a biogas plant to enable co-digesting residual fractions with manure. Thereby, enabling plant nutrients and minerals in digestate to be returned to arable land. Utilizing the solid fiber fraction for biofuel production with fermentation and HTL in large-scale processes remains promising.

p. 106
RISE Rapport ; 2022:79
Agriculture, biorefinery, grass-clover, protein, HTL, biofuel
National Category
Agricultural Biotechnology
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-59787 (URN)978-91-89711-19-8 (ISBN)
Available from: 2022-07-06 Created: 2022-07-06 Last updated: 2024-08-05
Gunnarsson, C., Back, E., Berg, A., Castillo, M. d., Jonsson, N., Knicky, M., . . . de Toro, A. (2022). Ökad användning av restströmmar från spannmålsodling för en svensk biobaserad ekonomi.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Ökad användning av restströmmar från spannmålsodling för en svensk biobaserad ekonomi
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2022 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [sv]

Det finns ett stort intresse att använda halm i bioraffinaderiprocesser för att producera förnybara material, kemikalier och drivmedel, men mängden halm är begränsad och aktuella processer är ofta storskaliga. Målet med detta projekt var att bidra till ökad användning av tillgängliga restströmmar från spannmålsproduktion och därmed bidra till ökad andel inhemsk råvara till den svenska biobaserade industrin. Projektet undersökte tre restströmmar från spannmålsproduktionen: halm, rensverksfraktion (från tröskans rensverk som normalt sprids ut på fältet och inte samlas in) samt avrens från rensmaskiner och aspiratörer på spannmålsmottagningar. Arbetet innefattade att karakterisera olika sorters halm, utvärdera tekniker för att öka insamlingsgraden vid skörd, lagringsförsök samt modellering av leveranssäkerhet och skördestrategier. Ett speciellt fokus var att utvärdera materialet med avseende på biogasproduktion. Den grundläggande karakteriseringen som gjordes av halm och rensverksfraktion från höstvete, korn, havre, höstråg och höstraps visade vissa skillnader i innehåll av cellulosa, hemicellulosa, lignin, oorganiska ämnen samt extraktivämnen, men inga som kunde förklara skillnaderna i metanproduktionen mellan proverna. Råghalm hade den högsta metanproduktionen, medan halm från höstraps hade signifikant lägre metanproduktion än de andra halmsorterna. Metanproduktionen från rensverksfraktionerna visade samma tendens som för halmen. För att försöka hitta förklaringar till den lägre metanproduktionen för halm och rensverksfraktion från höstraps gjordes kompletterande analyser av biomassans struktur och sammansättning. Inga tydliga skillnader i cellullosakristallinitet kunde ses som skulle kunna förklara den lägre biogasproduktionen. De fördjupade analyserna kunde visa att det finns skillnader i ligninstruktur, det skulle dock behöva undersökas vidare om dessa bidrar till skillnaderna i metanproduktionen. En hypotes som inte kunde bekräftas är att höstrapshalmen innehåller glukosinulater som när de bryts ner kan verka hämmande på bakterierna i jäsningsprocessen. Detta behöver utredas vidare i kommande studier. I projektet utvärderades två olika tekniker för att förutom halm även samla in rensverksfraktion och därigenom öka mängden bärgat material. Vid skörd av spannmål samlas kärnan i en tank, medan halmen och övriga överjordiska delar av spannmålsplantan som återstår matas ut efter skördetröskan. Utvärderingen visade att total insamlad mängd biomassa ökade när även rensverksfraktionen samlades in. Även halmbalarnas densitet ökade vid inblandning av rensverksfraktionen i halmen, vilket är fördelaktigt för transporteffektiviteten. Ökningen av insamlad mängd och baldensitet var dock signifikant i endast ett av de två försöken. Mellan 36 % och 41 % av den teoretiskt bärgningsbara mängden biomassa samlades inte in och kan betraktas som förluster i systemet. Vissa av förlusterna går att åtgärda med val av maskiner som är väl anpassade till varandra medan andra kräver ett helt annat skördesystem. Potentialen för utveckling av nya och förbättrade tekniska system som möjliggör att en större andel biomassa kan tillvaratas är därför stor. Tillgången på halm för användning i bioraffinaderier kan även ökas genom att använda halm av olika kvalitet, tex fuktig halm. I tre olika lagringsförsök undersöktes under vilka förutsättningar det finns risk för förluster under aeroba förhållanden. Försöken utvärderades med avseende på effekten på förluster och kvalitet samt metanproduktion. Respirometerförsök genomfördes på halm och rensverksfraktion från höstvete och korn vid två olika vattenaktiviteter (vattenhalter) under ca 2 månader. Resultaten visade att förlusterna hos höstvetehalm troligen kan hållas låga om den lagras vid en vattenhalt under 20-23 %. Kornhalm verkar vara något känsligare och kan behöva vara några procentenheter torrare, medan rensverksfraktionen verkar vara något mer motståndskraftig mot mikrobiell tillväxt. I vetehalm ökade metanpotentialen under lagringen, medan den minskade för halm och rensverksfraktion från korn. Den stora minskningen i metanpotential för kornproverna kan ha orsakats av de högre kvävehalterna och lägre C/N kvot som gynnar mikrobiell aktivitet. Resultaten tyder på att fuktig aerob lagring av vetehalm kan fungera som ett förbehandlingssteg där cellulosanedbrytande mögelsvampar bryter ned cellulosan och därmed gör kolet mer tillgänglig för de metangasproducerande mikroorganismerna. Studien tyder på att denna process går snabbare med kornhalm. Dessa resultat behöver följas upp och fördjupas. Genom att utnyttja lagringstiden till biologisk förbehandling inför användning i bioraffinaderiet kan vi på ett positivt sätt utnyttja faktorer som normalt har negativ inverkan på kvalitet, såsom hög fukthalt och temperatur samt långa lagringstider. I fullskaliga försök som upprepades under två år vid Gasum AB biogasanläggning i Jordberga utvärderades avrenslagring under praktiska förhållande i stora plansilor utan täckning. Lagringsförsöket genomfördes med avrensat material (avrens) från i spannmålshandelns mottagningsanläggningar. Lagringsprocessen övervakades på olika djup genom mätningar av gassammansättning och temperatur och lagringsförlusterna bestämdes. Förlusterna av torrsubstans under lagringen varierade mellan 1,5 och 3 %, dock med undantag från ytprovet år två där förlusterna uppgick till 63 %. De höga förlusterna i ytprovet beror sannolikt på en längre lagringstid i kombination med direkt exponering mot atmosfäriska förhållanden och därmed nederbörd. Detta resulterade i en omfattande tillväxt av mögelsvampar. Metanpotentialen i proverna från ytan var båda åren signifikant lägre (8 % respektive 62 %) än i proverna från inläggningen. Mellan djupare liggande prover fanns ingen signifikant skillnad i metanpotential sinsemellan eller jämfört med inläggningsprovet. Låg vattenhalt, syrefattiga förhållanden och höga temperaturer hämmade mikrobiell tillväxt i djupare liggande prover. Den modelleringsstudie baserad på väderdata som genomfördes med syftet att under-söka hur leveranssäkerheten av halm påverkas av väderleken visade att mängden torr halm som kan bärgas varierar stort mellan år. Andelen av den tillgängliga mängden halm som i genomsnitt över flera år är möjlig att bala (pressningskoefficient) beräknades till 84, 86, 82 och 80 % för Västmanland, Östergötland, Västra Götaland respektive Skåne vid maximalt 18% vattenhalt vid pressning. Den varierade även över skördesäsongen. Den tillgängliga pressningstiden minskade från över 50 % i den andra halvan av juli till under 30 % i de första veckorna i oktober beroende på område. De genomsnittliga andelarna pressad halm varierade för de enskilda grödorna: den var högst för höstvete, ca 90 % för gårdarna belägna i Västmanland, Östergötland och Västra Götaland, och 80 % i Skåne. Andelarna för vårvete var lägst, 67–75 % beroende på område.

p. 76
RISE Rapport ; 2022:80
Halm, renverksfraktion, avrens, skörd, lagring, biogas, pressningskoefficient
National Category
Other Engineering and Technologies
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-60333 (URN)978-91-89711-20-4 (ISBN)

Detta projekt har genomförts i samarbete mellan RISE Research Institutes of Sweden och Gasum under 2018-2022. På RISE har Innventia ansvarat för karakterisering och analys av olika sorters halm och rensverksfraktion. Avdelningen för Jordbruk och livsmedel ansvarat för skörde- och lagringsförsök samt modelleringsstudien om bärgningsstrategier för halm. Modelleringsarbetet genomfördes av Alfredo de Toro. RISE Kretsloppsteknik har genomfört metanpotentialtester. Gasum har varit värd för lagringsförsök i fullskala. Ett stort tack även till det lantbrukare som varit värd för skördeförsöken samt bidragit med den halm som använts i lagringsförsöken. Carina Gunnarsson (RISE) har varit projektledare.Projektet har finansierats av Energimyndigheten inom ramen för programmet ”Biomassa för energi och material”.

Available from: 2022-10-13 Created: 2022-10-13 Last updated: 2024-08-05Bibliographically approved
Pizzul, L., Castillo, M. d., Ascue, J. & Nilsson, E. (2021). Biofilter för behandling av bekämpningsmedelsrester.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Biofilter för behandling av bekämpningsmedelsrester
2021 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

Use of biofilter for the treatment of pesticide contaminated water Despite many measures to reduce the risk of pesticides spreading to sensitive environments, their residues are still often found in surface and groundwater. Point sources are a significant cause of such contamination, mainly associated with localized situations, e.g., filling of the tank and washing of the sprayer. According to Sweden's official statistics, 54% of farmers choose some form of concrete surface connected to a collecting tank as a safe pesticide handling place. The collected liquid is later spread on biologically active soil, such as fallow or on stump. However, farmers’ experience indicates that there can be large amounts of water to handle annually, and chemical residues in the spread liquid can have a negative effect on crops. There is a need to improve the existing and future pesticide handling sites to manage large volumes of water safely, easily, and economically. An appropriate and simple solution is the use of a biofilter to treat the collected liquid. The biofilter has been developed based on the Swedish biobed and is used in several countries. It consists of several 1 m3 – plastic containers filled with biomix, and the different units are stacked in a vertical pile and connected with plastic valves and pipes. Contaminated water is collected and circulated through the biofilter and pesticide residues are retained in the biomix where they are degraded by microbial activity. The aim of the project was to adapt the use of the biofilter to Swedish conditions and gain knowledge about how it should be operated. Since water dynamics are an important factor in the biofilter function, the specific goals of the project were to study the effect of the inflow rate on water balance, microbial activity, and pesticide retention in a typical Swedish biomix. For the project a pilot biofilter was built at RISE workshop in Uppsala. A list of the materials needed, the approximate cost of building a biofilter and a preliminary instruction manual for the construction were produced within the frame of the project. The cost of building a 3-unit biofilter was estimated to be approx. 15,000 Swedish crowns. The study was divided into two trials under controlled conditions. First, the effect of inflows on water content and microbial activity in the biomix was investigated. A constant flow rate of 25 L/d was tested in one of the units and an increasing flow of 7, 22 and 40 L/d in another unit. The results showed that the outflow increased with flow rate and was between 50 and 96% of the inflow. Water content in the biomix was lower and fluctuated more on the surface compared to the bottom of the biomix and water retention capacity decreased over time. A tendency to reduced carbon content and microbial activity (measured as respiration rate) over time was observed with the flows > 20 L/d. The levels of glyphosate and diflufenican in the effluent were very low, 0,1 % of the levels in incoming water, regardless the flow. The higher flow reduced the retention capacity of bentazone, i.e., a higher inflow led to higher levels of bentazone in the effluent. According to our results, a typical Swedish biomix, under the conditions tested in this study, can treat a flow lower than 20 L/d without having a major impact on microbial activity and on the pesticide retention capacity. Assuming that the biofilter can be used for 210 days/year (not in winter), approximately 4000 L can be treated in one year with a flow of 20 L/d. Biofilters are a good option for farms with indoor or outdoor pesticide handling areas under roof. For farms with an outdoor concrete area without a roof, where precipitation also ends up in the collection tank, the volumes to treat become too high for a biofilter.

p. 35
RISE Rapport ; 2021:99
pesticide degradation, biofilter, biomix, water treatment
National Category
Civil Engineering
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-73145 (URN)978-91-89385-89-4 (ISBN)
Available from: 2024-05-16 Created: 2024-05-16 Last updated: 2024-08-05Bibliographically approved
Westerholm, M., Castillo, M. d., Chan Andersson, A., Jahre Nilsen, P. & Schnürer, A. (2019). Effects of thermal hydrolytic pre-treatment on biogas process efficiency and microbial community structure in industrial- and laboratory-scale digesters. Waste Management, 95, 150-160
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Effects of thermal hydrolytic pre-treatment on biogas process efficiency and microbial community structure in industrial- and laboratory-scale digesters
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2019 (English)In: Waste Management, ISSN 0956-053X, E-ISSN 1879-2456, Vol. 95, p. 150-160Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

This study examined the impact of thermal hydrolysis process (THP) pre-treatment on anaerobic co-digestion of wastewater sludge and household waste and assessed whether THP was vital to achieve higher process capacity. Performance data were collected for both industrial- and laboratory-scale digesters and response in microbial community structure was evaluated by Illumina sequencing. Implementation of THP at the industrial-scale plant increased methane yield by 15% and enhanced substrate degradability. Possibility to extend the sludge retention time due to a higher solid content of the substrate, sanitisation of the digestate and improved fertiliser quality of the digestate were other industrial-scale benefits of THP installation. Continuously-fed laboratory-scale digesters were fed THP-treated or untreated substrate at an organic loading rate (OLR) of 5 g volatile solid (VS)/L/day, a feeding rate necessary at the corresponding industrial-scale plant to meet the estimated population increase within the municipality. The results indicated that the plant could have increased the capacity with unimpaired stability independently of THP installation, even though the retention time was significantly shortened during operation with untreated substrate. Microbial community analyses revealed increased contribution of the Clostridia class after THP installation in industrial-scale digesters and positive correlation between Firmicutes:Bacteriodetes and methane yield in all digesters. Differentiated profiles in laboratory-scale digesters indicated that a temperature increase from 37 to 42 °C in association with THP installation and altered substrate composition were strong determining factors shaping the microbial community. Overall, these findings can assist industrial-scale plants in choosing management strategies aimed at improving the efficiency of anaerobic digestion processes.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Elsevier Ltd, 2019
Anaerobic degradation, Household waste, Organic loading rate, Sewage sludge, Temperature, Thermal hydrolytic process, Biogas, Efficiency, Industrial plants, Laboratories, Methane, Microorganisms, Sludge digestion, Wastewater treatment, Anaerobic digestion process, Hydrolytic process, Laboratory scale digesters, Microbial community analysis, Microbial community structures, Organic loading rates, Anaerobic digestion, Clostridia, Firmicutes
National Category
Natural Sciences
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-39266 (URN)10.1016/j.wasman.2019.06.004 (DOI)2-s2.0-85066983253 (Scopus ID)

Funding details: Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet; Funding details: Energimyndigheten, 38011.1; Funding details: Svenskt Vatten, 14-112; Funding text 1: We thank Mats Edström at Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE), Uppsala, Sweden, for assistance with project coordination and Johnny Ascue, Xinmei Feng and Leticia Pizzul for technical support. Johnny Isaksson is acknowledged for design of the graphical abstract. This work was financially supported by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Växjö municipality, Sweden, Cambi AS, the Swedish Energy Agency (grant number 38011.1 ) and the Swedish Water and Wastewater Association (SWWA, grant number 14-112 ). Appendix A

Available from: 2019-07-03 Created: 2019-07-03 Last updated: 2024-08-05Bibliographically approved
Lescano, M. R., Pizzul, L., Castillo, M. d. & Zalazar, C. S. (2018). Glyphosate and aminomethylphosphonic acid degradation in biomixtures based on alfalfa straw, wheat stubble and river waste.. Journal of Environmental Management, 228, 451-457, Article ID S0301-4797(18)31000-4.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Glyphosate and aminomethylphosphonic acid degradation in biomixtures based on alfalfa straw, wheat stubble and river waste.
2018 (English)In: Journal of Environmental Management, ISSN 0301-4797, E-ISSN 1095-8630, Vol. 228, p. 451-457, article id S0301-4797(18)31000-4Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The aim of the work was to evaluate novel biomixtures for their use on biopurification systems (BPS) in Argentina also called biobeds. Glyphosate and aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) degradation was evaluated on biomixtures containing local materials: alfalfa straw (As), wheat stubble (Ws), river waste (Rw) and soil. Glyphosate, AMPA concentrations and biological activity were followed with time. Soil was used as control. Glyphosate initial concentration was 1000 mg kg-1. Glyphosate disappeared almost completely after 63 days in all tested biomixtures. For Ws, WsRw and AsRw glyphosate degradation was around 99% and for As 85%. The biomixture Ws showed the highest glyphosate degradation rate. In all cases AMPA was formed and degraded to concentrations between 60 and 100 mg kg-1. In the control with only soil, glyphosate was degraded 53% and AMPA concentration at the end of the test was 438 mg kg-1. We conclude that alfalfa straw, wheat stubble and river waste are local materials that can be used in the preparation of biomixtures since they showed higher glyphosate degradation capacity and less AMPA accumulation compared to the soil alone. Also, the presence of river waste did enhance the water retention capacity.

AMPA, Biobeds, Biopurification systems, Herbicide, Wastewater
National Category
Natural Sciences
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-35222 (URN)10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.09.009 (DOI)30245269 (PubMedID)2-s2.0-85053793594 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2018-10-10 Created: 2018-10-10 Last updated: 2024-08-05Bibliographically approved
Gao, W., Liang, J., Pizzul, L., Feng, X. M., Zhang, K. & Castillo, M. d. (2015). Evaluation of spent mushroom substrate as substitute of peat in Chinese biobeds (ed.). International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 98, 107-112
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Evaluation of spent mushroom substrate as substitute of peat in Chinese biobeds
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2015 (English)In: International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, ISSN 0964-8305, E-ISSN 1879-0208, Vol. 98, p. 107-112Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Biobeds are an effective system for minimising the risk of point-source contamination by pesticides. The original biobed system comprises a clay layer at the bottom, a biomixture layer and a grass layer on top. The composition of the biomixture, which in the original Swedish model consisted of soil: peat: wheat straw (1:1:2 by volume), determines the efficiency of the system. Since the use of peat is not environmentally or economically feasible in China, this study tested the potential of replacing it with a locally available material, spent mushroom substrate (SMS). Three biomixtures containing different SMS (Pleurotus eryngii, Flammulina velutipes and Lentinus edodes) were compared with a biomixture containing peat, as in the original Swedish design, and a control containing soil alone. The fungicide chlorothalonil and the insecticide imidacloprid were used as model pesticides in the tests. Microbial activity (measured as respiration and phenoloxidase and hydrolytic activity) and pesticide dissipation were studied. Microbial activity was higher in the three biomixtures containing SMS than in the original-type biomixture. Among the SMS biomixtures, that containing SMS from L.edodes was the most biologically active. However, pesticide dissipation was comparable in all four biomixtures and significant differences were only found between biomixtures and the soil-alone control. Based on the physicochemical characteristics, biological activity and preliminary results on pesticide degradation, SMS are suitable and can therefore be used as a substitutes for peat.

Spent mushroom substrate, Biobed, Pesticide degradation, ChlorothalonilImidacloprid, Phenoloxidase
National Category
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-2391 (URN)10.1016/j.ibiod.2014.12.008 (DOI)2-s2.0-84920903265 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2016-09-07 Created: 2016-09-07 Last updated: 2025-02-07Bibliographically approved
Urrutia, C., Rubilar, O., Tortella, G., Castillo, J. M., Romero, E., Azcón, R., . . . Diez, M. C. (2015). Influence of the rhizosphere in a biopurification system on the dissipation of a pesticide mixture. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 15(4), 914-927
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Influence of the rhizosphere in a biopurification system on the dissipation of a pesticide mixture
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2015 (English)In: Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, ISSN 0718-9508, E-ISSN 0718-9516, Vol. 15, no 4, p. 914-927Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

In a biopurification system such as a biobed, the rhizosphere of the grass layer may be a significant factor for promoting pesticide dissipation in the biomixture. The rhizosphere effect of a Lolium perenne, Festuca arundinacea and Trifolium repens mixture on the dissipation of a pesticide combination that was composed of atrazine, chlorpyrifos and isoproturon was studied. The assay was performed using glass pots divided into two separate compartments (root surface and root-free), each filled with an organic biomixture (oat husk, top soil and peat) and contaminated with the pesticide mixture at 5 mg kg-1. Non-planted and noncontaminated pots were also used as controls. The results indicated that there were high atrazine, chlorpyrifos and isoproturon dissipation in the planted pots compared with the unplanted pots. An inverse correlation was found throughout the assay between phenoloxidase activity and residual pesticide (r=0.684 to 0.952). Indeed, fungal biomass was positively correlated with phenoloxidase activity on day 1 (r =0.825) and day 30 (r =0.855). Besides, exudation of oxalic and malic acid in contaminated pots was higher than in the control without pesticides, associated with oxidation of the pesticide mixture in the biomixture of a bioded system. Therefore, the grass layer enhances pesticide removal in biobeds

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Sociedad Chilena de la Ciencia del Suelo, 2015
Biopurification, Pesticide dissipation, Phenoloxidase, Rhizosphere
National Category
Natural Sciences
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-42310 (URN)10.4067/S0718-95162015005000063 (DOI)2-s2.0-84954466527 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2019-12-19 Created: 2019-12-19 Last updated: 2024-08-05Bibliographically approved
Björnsson, L., Castillo, M. d., Gunnarsson, C. & Svensson, S.-E. (2014). Förbehandling av lignocellulosarika råvaror för biogasproduktion: Nyckelaspekter vid jämförande utvärdering (ed.).
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Förbehandling av lignocellulosarika råvaror för biogasproduktion: Nyckelaspekter vid jämförande utvärdering
2014 (Swedish)Report (Refereed)
JTI - Övriga publikationer
National Category
Agricultural Science
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-2300 (URN)
Available from: 2016-09-07 Created: 2016-09-07 Last updated: 2024-08-05Bibliographically approved
Edström, M., Castillo, M. d., Ascue, J. & Andersson, J. (2014). Strategier för att effektivisera rötning av substrat med högt innehåll av lignocellulosa och kväve (ed.).
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Strategier för att effektivisera rötning av substrat med högt innehåll av lignocellulosa och kväve
2014 (Swedish)Report (Refereed)
JTI - Övriga publikationer
National Category
Agricultural Science
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-2286 (URN)
Available from: 2016-09-07 Created: 2016-09-07 Last updated: 2024-08-05Bibliographically approved

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