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Melin, J., Möllerberg, M.-L., Svensson, H., Johansson, M., Korsell, N., Karlsson, S., . . . Pendrill, L. (2023). A sustainable organization for measurement quality assurance of category based measurements: Tasked with coordinating and ensuring reliable and comparable measurements of experiences, feelings, behaviours and abilities.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>A sustainable organization for measurement quality assurance of category based measurements: Tasked with coordinating and ensuring reliable and comparable measurements of experiences, feelings, behaviours and abilities
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2023 (English)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [en]


Society's need for knowledge about experiences, feelings, behaviours and abilities is increasing. It is important to know how people and society feel or how a product or service is perceived, and to be able to compare how these change over time and between different areas, for example when making decisions about priorities, efforts and effects. In order for measurements of experiences, feelings, behaviours and abilities to be useful and provide reliable data, quality-assured measurement is required for socalled category based measurements1. It is therefore necessary that basic measurement principles are applied, which is often not the case today in this field. For the physical quantities (length, mass, time, etc.) there has long been an internationally established measurement quality infrastructure. In Sweden, it is mainly RISE as the National Metrological Institute which, through its national measurement sites, is responsible for ensuring access to quality-assured and traceable measurements for society. However, the corresponding measurement quality infrastructure is so far missing for category based measurements.


RISE has been working for several years to develop methodology and working methods for measurement quality assurance of experiences, feelings, behaviours and abilities. Through dialogue over several years with actors at various levels, including in health care and academia, it has emerged that there is a great need for support for this development. RISE has therefore produced a first draft of a possible sustainable organization for measurement quality assurance of category based measurements. A national centre for quality assurance of category based measurements would be tasked with coordinating and ensuring reliable and comparable measurements of experiences, feelings, behaviours and abilities. Such infrastructural support must make methodologies available to enable quality assurance for category based measurements. The organization must meet society's need for support by offering services based on internationally accepted metrological principles and scientific methods, as well as adopting a neutral and independent role.


We have humility about the fact that it is a long process to establish an organization for category based measurements and that it needs to happen through a dynamic and iterative development in co-creation with the actors involved. We look forward to continuing to develop ideas and revise the proposal in dialogue in the coming years. It is also important to start a dialogue together with relevant actors about how the implementation of the organization can take place in the future.

p. 13
RISE Rapport ; 2023:8
Natural Sciences, Naturvetenskap
National Category
Natural Sciences
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-64024 (URN)978-91-89757-51-6 (ISBN)

Available from: 2023-02-16 Created: 2023-02-16 Last updated: 2024-05-21Bibliographically approved
Karlsson, S., Harris, K. L., Melin, J., Lahne, J., Wolfson, J. & Collier, E. S. (2023). An evaluation and shortening of the Cooking and Food Provisioning Action Scale (CAFPAS) using item response theory. Food Quality and Preference, 108, Article ID 104880.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>An evaluation and shortening of the Cooking and Food Provisioning Action Scale (CAFPAS) using item response theory
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2023 (English)In: Food Quality and Preference, ISSN 0950-3293, E-ISSN 1873-6343, Vol. 108, article id 104880Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The Cooking and Food Provisioning Action Scale (CAFPAS) is a 28-item validated tool for measuring food agency, a latent construct representing an individual's ability to make and achieve food-preparation and -provisioning goals. Here, key measurement parameters (targeting, threshold ordering, item fit, unidimensionality, differential item functioning, local dependency, and person reliability) of the CAFPAS are evaluated using a specific case of item response theory, Rasch analysis, on data from a development sample (N = 1853; 910 from Sweden; 943 from the US). Winsteps (v.5.1.7) is used for this analysis. The similarity of the Swedish version of the CAFPAS to the original is also assessed. Based on an iterative assessment of the measurement properties with different combinations of items in the development sample, ways to shorten the CAFPAS without jeopardizing construct validity or person reliability are examined. After removing items that do not fit the Rasch model, or that appear redundant in relation to other items, an 11-item version (CAFPAS-short) is suggested and tested using further Rasch analysis on both the development sample and an additional US-based validation sample (N = 1457). Scores of cooking confidence and attitudes are then modelled with measures from the CAFPAS and CAFPAS-short using frequentist and Bayesian analysis. Results suggest that the CAFPAS-short performs similarly to the full-length version, and potential future improvements to the CAFPAS are discussed. This study represents a successful application of item response theory to investigate and shorten a psychometric scale, reducing cognitive load on participants in studies using the CAFPAS whilst minimizing loss of data reliability. © 2023 The Author(s)

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Elsevier Ltd, 2023
Categorical measurement, Cooking ability, Food agency, Item response theory, Psychometrics
National Category
Public Health, Global Health, Social Medicine and Epidemiology
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-64425 (URN)10.1016/j.foodqual.2023.104880 (DOI)2-s2.0-85154566017 (Scopus ID)

Correspondence Address: E.S. Collier; RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Division of Bioeconomy and Health, Perception and Design Unit, Stockholm, Sweden; email:; 

SK, KLH, JM, and ESC were supported by the RISE competence platform Centre for Categorical Based Measurements. KLH and ESC were supported by FORMAS - Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning, grant number 2018–01867. JAW was supported by the National Institutes of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), grant number K01DK119166.

Available from: 2023-05-11 Created: 2023-05-11 Last updated: 2023-10-31Bibliographically approved
Melin, J., Möllerberg, M.-L., Svensson, H., Johansson, M., Korsell, N., Karlsson, S., . . . Pendrill, L. (2023). En hållbar organisering för mätkvalitetssäkring av kategoribaserade mätningar: Med uppdrag att samordna och säkerställa tillförlitliga och jämförbara mätningar av upplevelser, känslor, beteenden och förmågor.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>En hållbar organisering för mätkvalitetssäkring av kategoribaserade mätningar: Med uppdrag att samordna och säkerställa tillförlitliga och jämförbara mätningar av upplevelser, känslor, beteenden och förmågor
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2023 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [sv]


Samhällets behov av kunskap om upplevelser, känslor, beteenden och förmågor ökar. Det är viktigt att veta hur personer och samhället mår eller hur en produkt eller tjänst upplevs samt att kunna jämföra hur detta förändras över tid och mellan olika områden, för att exempelvis fatta beslut om prioriteringar, insatser och effekter. För att mätningar av upplevelser, känslor, beteenden och förmågor ska vara användbara och ge tillförlitliga underlag krävs kvalitetssäkrad mätteknik för s.k. kategoribaserade mätningar. Det är alltså nödvändigt att grundläggande mättekniska principer tillämpas, vilket ofta inte är fallet i dag inom detta område. För de fysikaliska storheterna (längd, massa, tid etc.) finns sedan länge en internationellt etablerad mätkvalitetsinfrastruktur. I Sverige är det huvudsakligen RISE som Nationellt Metrologiskt Institut som genom sina riksmätplatser ansvarar för att säkerställa tillgång till kvalitetssäkrade och spårbara mätningar för samhället. Motsvarande mätkvalitetsinfrastruktur saknas dock för kategoribaserade mätningar.


RISE arbetar sedan flera år för att utveckla metoder och arbetssätt för mätkvalitetssäkring av upplevelser, känslor, beteenden och förmågor. Genom dialoger med aktörer på olika nivåer, bland annat inom hälso- och sjukvården och akademin, som pågått under flera års tid har det framkommit att det finns ett stort behov av stöd för denna utveckling. RISE har därför tagit fram ett första utkast för en möjlig hållbar organisering för mätkvalitetssäkring av kategoribaserade mätningar. Ett nationellt centrum för mätkvalitetssäkring av kategoribaserade mätningar skulle ha i uppdrag att samordna och säkerställa tillförlitliga och jämförbara mätningar av upplevelser, känslor, beteenden och förmågor. Ett sådant infrastrukturellt stöd ska tillgängliggöra metodiker för att möjliggöra mätkvalitetssäkring för kategoribaserade mätningar. Organiseringen ska möta samhällets behov av stöd genom att erbjuda tjänster baserade på internationellt vedertagna mättekniska principer och vetenskapliga metoder samt ha en neutral och oberoende roll.


Det finns en stor ödmjukhet kring att det är en lång process att etablera en organisering för kategoribaserade mätningar och att det behöver ske genom en dynamisk och iterativ utveckling i samskapande med berörda aktörer. Vi ser fram emot att fortsätta utveckla tankar och revidera förslaget i dialog under kommande år. Det är också viktigt att påbörja en dialog tillsammans med relevanta aktörer om hur implementeringen av organiseringen kan ske i framtiden.

p. 13
RISE Rapport ; 2023:7
National Category
Natural Sciences
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-64023 (URN)978-91-89757-50-9 (ISBN)
Available from: 2023-02-16 Created: 2023-02-16 Last updated: 2024-05-21Bibliographically approved
Johansson, M. & Karlsson, S. (2023). Prevents enkät för organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö: Psykometrisk analys och datavisualisering.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Prevents enkät för organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö: Psykometrisk analys och datavisualisering
2023 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)
psykometri, social arbetsmiljö, enkätmetodik
National Category
Applied Psychology
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-65749 (URN)10.5281/zenodo.8220620 (DOI)
Available from: 2023-08-07 Created: 2023-08-07 Last updated: 2023-10-31Bibliographically approved
Molnar, S. & Karlsson, S. (2023). Trygga offentliga platser för vem?: En forskningsgenomgång av trygghetens bestämningsfaktorer med hänsyn till genus, ålder, funktion och socio-ekonomi.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Trygga offentliga platser för vem?: En forskningsgenomgång av trygghetens bestämningsfaktorer med hänsyn till genus, ålder, funktion och socio-ekonomi
2023 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

Safe public spaces for whom? A research overview on the determinants of safety in public space with a focus on gender, age, function and socio-economic background

Safety in public space is a basic human right. However, existing research- and development initiatives tend to mainly be interested in how fear of crime can be generated for people in general, thus leaving out other determinants of safety including issues of gender, age, function and socio-economics. The aim of this report is to contribute to a broader understanding of the phenomenon of safety in public places. It does this by providing a research overview on the subject matter consisting of in total 82 peer-reviewed research papers. The research overview shows that women, elderly, people with disabilities as well as those in poverty, tend to feel less safe in public spaces than others do. Furthermore, the overview points to several factors that tend to increase the sense of safety for one or several of these groups, such as the presence of other, friendly-minded, people, refuge, visibility, accessibility, and the absence of fees and other economic costs. That said, there are a wide range of other factors that play a role for feelings of safety in public space, which could not be addressed in this study. There are also other grounds for discrimination that could have been dealt with, such as ethnicity, religion and sexuality. However, the study has been able to show some major trends as a basis for continued discussion, research, and development.

p. 23
RISE Rapport ; 2023:58
National Category
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-64866 (URN)978-91-89821-12-5 (ISBN)
Available from: 2023-05-24 Created: 2023-05-24 Last updated: 2023-10-31Bibliographically approved

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