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2016 (engelsk)Rapport (Annet vitenskapelig)
Abstract [en]
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden is a group of research and technology organisations. RISE is a leading innovation partner working global cooperation with academia, enterprise and society to create value, growth and competitiveness through research excellence and innovation.
In the area of Energy, RISE has developed innovation Roadmaps covering:
- Energy Efficient Transport
- Electric Power System
- Energy Efficient and Smart Buildings
- Sustainable Thermal Processes
- Efficient Energy Use in Industry
- Decarbonisation of Basic Industries
These Roadmaps describe development pathways for technologies, non-technical elements (market design, user behaviours, policies, etc.) and key actors that deliver on a plausible, desirable vision for each respective innovation area in 2030. These Roadmaps are intended to support RISE’s strategic planning and development, but should be relevant reading for anyone interested in energy innovation in Sweden.
s. 102
energy, innovation, roadmap, research, institutes, transport, buildings, power, electricity, industry, efficiency, thermal processes, ccs, ccus, decarbonisation, Energi, innovation, roadmap, forskning, institut, transport, byggnader, kraftstystem, el, industri, effektivisering, termiska processer, ccs, ccus, avkarbonisering
HSV kategori
urn:nbn:se:ri:diva-28181 (URN)
2017-02-152017-02-152024-07-28bibliografisk kontrollert